Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Buckeye Game Fest in Columbus, OH

  • FromAnthony Kozar <mailing-lists-1001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 27 Aug 2008 14:31:06 -0400
Hello fellow Rabbits, Fluxx and Icehouse enthusiasts!

Many of you may have attended Origins this year, but did you know that there
is another four-day gaming convention in Columbus, OH every year?  It's the
Buckeye Game Fest (BGF) hosted by the Columbus Area Boardgaming Society
(CABS).  BGF is _much_ smaller than Origins and focuses more on board games
and miniatures.  This year, BGF is October 2nd through 5th.

I'm writing to all of you (please excuse the cross-posting) because I have
signed up to run a number of game sessions centering on Looney Labs games at
Buckeye Game Fest this year.  I will be running Fluxx, Zendo, Homeworlds,
and an "open Looney Labs gaming" session.  I will also be running a session
for the card game Super Nova by John Montrie, a friend of the Looneys.

The schedule of events is here:


and more general info about BGF is here:


You do not have to be a CABS member to attend, so I am hoping other
central-Ohio rabbits will be able to come.  If you want to help me run the
events or just want to let me know that you are planning to come, send me an


"Chocolate Rabbit"

Anthony Kozar
mailing-lists-1001 AT anthonykozar DOT net

Rabbit bio: 

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