Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Playing with Pyramids suggestions

  • From"Ryan Hackel" <deeplogic@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 18 Dec 2008 15:47:30 -0500
Based on my face-to-face play habits alone over the last four years:

53 games of Volcano
26 games of Martian Coasters
14 games of Zarcana
10 games of Twin Win
7 games of Zendo
7 games of Treehouse
6 games of World War 5
5 games of Martian Chess
5 games of Penguin Soccer
4 games of Zark City
...and dozens of other games that I've only tried once or twice. It's a rare fan-made design that makes me want to play more than one session of it.

I've also played dozens of games of Pikemen, Binary Homeworlds, Blam, Sprawl, and Branches&Twigs&Thorns online at superdupergames.org, but never once face-to-face.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Graveyard Greg" [graveyardgreg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Date: 12/18/2008 03:48 AM
To: "Icehouse Discussion List" <icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Icehouse] Playing with Pyramids suggestions

I'm on the look out for some great Pyramid games. I have five tubes of
the Treehouses (and I'm looking to get the Grey and Pink colors
eventually), so I was wondering what games would be an absolute blast to
play with about 2-6 people?

The games I already play with great fierceness are Zendo, Martian
Coasters, Treehouse (of course), Zark City, Martian Chess, the 3house
games (with the exception of Homeworlds. Just can't seem to get into the
spirit of it) and even a game that required an Aquarius deck.

So what say you fellow Icehouse fans?

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