Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Announcing: Zendomizer for iPhone and iPod Touch

  • FromChristopher Hickman <tophu@xxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 03 Dec 2009 16:00:10 -0500

If you'd put a 57x57 pixel PNG file named icon.png next to that HTML file and include the below in your header, it will show your icon as a custom icon when bookmarked to the home screen on the iPhone.

<link rel=”apple-touch-icon” href=”icon.png”>

I suggest this icon: http://homepage.mac.com/tophu/zendo.png


On Saturday, November 21, 2009, at 06:22PM, "Karl von Laudermann" <karlvonl@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>Those of you who play Zendo might already be familiar with the  
>Zendomizer, a program on the web that randomly generates Zendo rules.  
>Today I am announcing a new version of the Zendomizer, designed  
>specifically for the iPhone (and iPod Touch)!
>Note that it is not a native iPhone application, but rather a web app  
>specially designed to look like an iPhone app when run on the device's  
>web browser. But as you iPhone owners probably know, you can install a  
>shortcut to any web site onto the device's home screen, making it  
>launchable like a native app.
>Finally, the Zendomizer for iPhone takes advantage of Safari's support  
>for offline caching of web apps. This means that once you have visited  
>the page or intstalled it onto your home screen, you can run it even  
>when your device isn't connected to the internet!
>Full info is here:
>And the app itself is here:
>                 Karl von Laudermann
>                 karlvonl@xxxxxxx
>                 http://www.doodpants.org/karlvonl/
>Icehouse mailing list

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