Excerpts from Kristin's message of Mon Dec 13 13:22:10 -0500 2010:
> and join the Icehouse Academy of Starship Captains:Note: if you use NoScript, the Ning website won't work correctly unless
> <http://looneylabs.ning.com/page/starship-captains>
you whitelist scorecardresearch.com (a tracking site). Of interest to
this list, the TextBox option on the profile page won't function, so you
won't be able to add your list of games to your profile.
After a bit of Googling, it looks like Ning is aware of this issue
(which seems to be a bug in their site design) and has no intention of
fixing it. You can supposedly opt out of scorecardresearch's tracking at
their website, see: http://www.scorecardresearch.com/About.aspx
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