Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] Game Nights

  • FromRobin <Empl13@xxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 16 Sep 2005 20:54:02 -0400

I'm forwarding this post from Brian. Please reply to him at brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

From: "Superdairyboy" <superdairyboy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: September 15, 2005 11:24:09 AM EDT
Subject: GAme Nights

   Superdairyboy will be holding 2 Games Nights

   Sages coffee house and tea Garden. Thursday sept 22nd 3-5PM
Sages in located 26n Center St Pottsville PA
   Nuremberg Library Wednesday Sept 28th for 6-??? Nuremberg
Library is on main st in Nuremberg PA.

  Our first game night was at Tamaqua Library on the 13th and we had a
total of 9 players.

  Our games nights will be repeated monthly.

  Email for more info.


Robin Vinopal
EMPL13@xxxxxxx (Looney Labs Employee #13)
LOONEY LABS (http://www.looneylabs.com/)

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