Hey, gang. For the last couple of days, I've been calling reporters and asking them to do stories on the release of EcoFluxx, sending them press releases, etc.
Something I'd like to do is contact reporters who have ever been in touch with Rabbits before. Please note: it *doesn't* need to have been over anything to do with Looney Labs or games. It's just been easier to make that initial contact when there's a reference of some sort - a reporter will give better advice on who at their newspaper will do that story if I can approach them with 'I was referred to you by someone in your circulation area, who met you once, is obviously interested in the subject, etc.'
So, if you've had contact with the local press in your area, I'd appreciate it a lot if you would send to me, at media-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
Your name.
The reporter's name.
The reporter's paper.
Phone number or email address for contact (though I can likely find this through the switchboard, if you have a direct line, that would be great).
What the story you had contact over was about, so I can remind the reporter. Can the reporter contact you as a local player?
(if so, make sure you send me your phone number)
That would be it. If a reporter agrees to do a story, and you've agreed to be a local contact, I'll make sure you get a 'media copy' of EcoFluxx, so that they don't show up to find you don't own the game, and to thank you for your support! If you have EcoFluxx (first, thanks!), you can choose another deck, or 10 rabbit points.
Thanks so much for your help, in advance!
Publicity Rabbit.
Stephanie Clarkson (media-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Publicity Specialist
LOONEY LABS (That Hippie Game Company)
http://looneylabs.com/ -- company
http://wunderland.com/ -- webzine
Phone: 301-441-1019, Fax: 301-441-4871
P.O. Box 761, College Park, MD 20741