Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Origins 2006

  • From"Renee Martinez" <pokemami@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 21 Jun 2006 06:56:00 -0400
Ross Manido will be attending the event as well!
Orlando Florida Rabbitt

----- Original Message ----- From: "Josh Drobina" <event-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <rabbits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 12:26 PM
Subject: [Rabbits] Origins 2006

Hi everyone!

If you're attending Origins, you've only got a few more days to let us know so we can build you a goodie packet to pick up at the show. Simply log in to your account and visit:


in order to sign up. We still have several slots to fill on our schedule at Origins, so if you're attending and were thinking about helping out, please look at the schedule:


and send an email to me at event-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx listing the slot or slots you'd like to help fill. If you'd like to be added to the Origins planning list, you can drop me a line there as well, and I can add you to our additional mailing list for Origins Rabbits.

Thanks for being Rabbits, see some of you at Origins in a week-ish! :)

Josh Drobina (event-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Rabbit Coordinator
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