Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] New Rabbit and Origins

  • FromKristin <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 14 Jul 2006 13:11:06 -0400
so...  what are you doing Aug 9th-13th?

wanna come to Gen Con with us?  <http://www.gencon.com/2006/indy/>

You are an awesome booth rabbit - Thanks Mom!


--On July 14, 2006 ragtimejean@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I have signed on as a new blab Rabbit, and recently attended the Origins
convention in Columbus. I had a blast, spent most of my time in the
booth, must have demo'ed 100 games of Treehouse, plus a number of
Aquarius, and Fluxxes of all varieties. I also learned a few new games
with Ice House pieces, participated in the Nanofictionary and Aquarius
tournaments (I was the first loser-up in Aquarius!) and met an awesome
number of Looney bLabbers (rabbits and others).

A great experience! Even after it was all over, spent the last evening
playing games at the hotel.

I think I'm supposed to append a link to my blab bio. Hope this is how
it's done--I'm n ot real computer savvy:


Drama Mama

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