This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Steven Black has submitted. ======== Title: Chi-Tag Report Location: Chicago (kinda) Date: 11-18-06 Yeah, did the Chi-Tag thing all day Saturday. They said the football game made the attendance drop of at 2pm. So there were the Rabbits and 4 others that were in the open gaming area... Kinda sucky. The group of us switched off and on at playing LL games. Those that were not rabbits were reluctant to play any of the games that took long or had any drawn out strategies. So, it was a challenge to figure out what to run. But, I ended up teaching them how to play Icetowers. Up until that group came over, I had taught Treehouse and Martian Coasters to several people. However, it was a very slow day. However, stickers were still passed out! Black