Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] Origins Expose-a-Friend Special

  • Fromkerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx
  • DateThu, 07 Dec 2006 18:26:24 +0000
Well it's starting to be that time of year -- are you going to Origns '07?  

If 2007 will be your first time going to Origins, you and an Origins veteran can get your badges for the price of one.  So are there any Origins newbies on this list that want to get a four day badge for the amazingly low low price of just $25, instead of the normal $50 four day price?  Send me an email, we'll talk.  The official deadline is Jan 10, but I'd like to get this taken care of before the holidays are upon us.

(If I get multiple newbies, I'll match them up with veterans on a first come/first served basis.  So if you're an Origins repeater and want to get matched up with a new person, drop me a line and I'll see what I can do.)


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