Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] [Event] GenghisCon 2007 by Chris Johnson

  • FromSuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 21 Jan 2007 04:41:20 -0500
This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Chris Johnson has submitted.

Title: GenghisCon 2007
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Date: 20th and 21st of Jan, 2007

GenghisCon 2007 Event Report

GenghisCon is a gaming convention in Perth, Western Australia. It ran from Friday the 19th to Sunday the 21st. There are relatively few conventions of this type in Perth, the only other significant one I'm currently aware of is SwanCon, which is mainly a SciFi convention, but for which I'm assured a Looney Labs Demo will also be appreciated.

Work commitments prevented me from attending on the Friday, so I organised to do two gaming sessions from 1:30 to 4:30 (pm) on Sat and 1:30 to 4:00 on Sun. Ultimately I demoed solidly from 12:30 to 4:30 on Sat and 1:30 to 4:30 on Sunday. And when I say "solidly", I mean that from the moment I started, there were people around wanting to play Looney Labs games at all times until I reached the end of my session. In fact, I arrived at 1:15 on the Sunday and they'd already started without me!

Details, details.

On the Saturday I arrived quite early and first got sucked into a game of "Not Tonight, Josephine" that was being played in the room I was to use afterwards. I'm not really one for trivia games, but it was enjoyable enough. Also, the only person I actually knew at the con at the time was playing, so I joined in. After that game finished, the room was mine.

I set up a nice little display of the games I had (the two different sets of Treehouse, Martian Coasters, several decks of Fluxx including EcoFluxx and the two Chrononauts with the Lost Identities expansion). Within a few minutes, people had wandered into the room and we started playing games chosen based on the number of people around. When there was only a couple of us, we played Treehouse and Fluxx. At five I started up Martian Coasters (with the holiday coaster). As the group got larger, we played Treehouse again and some Chrononauts. Fluxx was played liberally through the afternoon. By the time I had to leave for my next engagement, I'd handed out a bunch of promo cards (I'd bought Earth and Time Vortex) and it was obvious that I wasn't going to have enough stickers for Sunday.

My Sunday started with a breakfast and gaming session not associated with GenghisCon (we again failed to finish a game of Order of the Stick), then I raced off to the con and arrived about 15 minutes before my session was due to start -- and there were already about seven people playing Fluxx. On this day I had a lot of help from Rob Masters (who said he was a rabbit, so it'd be cool if he could get a few points). He'd provided the deck for the Fluxx game that was in progress and subsequently provided the cards for Are You a Werewolf?, as well as being willing to mix up his own two Chrononauts packs for UberChrononauts -- which we unfortunately had to cut short due to time constraints.

By the end of Sunday I *had* run out of stickers for Treehouse and Chrononauts. I'm pretty sure (and please forgive the triple negative coming up) that for every game played across the seven or so hours totaled from both days there was not a single game that didn't have at least one person that hadn't played that game before.

The cards I handed out for sticking stickers on, had my Fluxx Rabbit stamp on one side and my URL that points to the Looney Labs Fans site (as well as my contact details) on the other. Several people asked about where to buy the games being played. I indicated the one local friendly gaming store that typically carries Looney Labs' stock, but also agreed that the website was an option. Additionally, I suggested that interested players do ask their most convenient Games World about the products, since theoretically the Australian distributors *can* provide them with stock. A message to Looney Labs: You *really* want to get Treehouse into Western Australia stores as soon as possible. Watch your on-line store for orders being sent here (though keep in mind the postage cost issues I've highlighted previously).

So, all in all, it was, I think, a phenomenal success. Seven hours of Looney Labs gaming across two days, with many new players, established players and a couple of people that had played a game once somewhere else and really wanted to play it again. And I enjoyed myself muchly.

Photos can be found at:

Looney Labs Fans at MySpace (you may need to have a MySpace account):

Looney Labs Fans on Ning:

And hopefully something obvious should pop up on Rob Master's website soon:

Yours, Chris (Krisjohn) Johnson

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