Hi, all; I am on schedule for StellarCon 31: http://stellarcon.org Gaming Schedule: http://cybertuna.net/stellarcon/ I will be running pyramid game demos Saturday morning, then AYAW? Saturday night. On Sunday morning, I will be running a pyramid games tournament, with a Fluxx deck as the prize. I am uncertain which games I will run for the tournament but I plan to have each round be a different style or flavor of game. For instance, I might run Martian Chess for round one, Armada for round two, etc. For the final round, I am thinking a best of five Zendo (with me as master). Or MAYBE a Martian Coasters, if I can make a final round of four players (this will all depend upon the number of registered players and how the tournament bracket breaks down). Come on out, if you're in the area! David Artman Demo Rabbit