I'm not sure if this is the best list to fire this at, but my subscription to the Fluxx list doesn't work... Anyway, have a look at the discussion at: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/1399540 Between the posters who completely fail to understand what's going on there's an interesting thing about how Inflation (X=X+1) interacts with Hand Limit 0, the latter having expressed its rule using two sentences, one of which uses no numerals and the other which does. > The "Hand Limit 0" card says: "If it isn't your turn, you cannot hold any cards." No numerals (or even spelled-out numbers) involved -- you can't hold ANY cards, inflation or not. Additionally, "If you have 1 or more cards in your hard, discard them immediately." That's the interesting part -- it becomes "If you have 2 or more cards..." However, based on the first sentence, you can't ever hold any cards. This smells like an Ask Andy. Yours, Chris J.