Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] new promo card anniversary packs

  • FromCraig Forbes <cpforbes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 06 Jul 2007 08:32:54 -0500
Presumably if you wait until after GenCon to place your order they will have the new, correct, party packs in stock and can include them in your order.


--On Friday, July 06, 2007 9:31 AM -0400 Carlton Noles <carlton.noles@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Will they be shipping out with any future orders? I have a few rabbit
to spend and am still trying to decide on how exactly to spend them.

Carlton "Kermit" Noles
"Joy Multiplies when it is shared among friends but grief diminishes at
every division. That is life"
-Drizzt Do'Urden
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a few days ago I wrote:

> Also, we are going to be sending a 'free Party Promos'
> out to all Rabbits who came in and spent Rabbit points

Well, no we aren't.  Sigh.

We gave out about 100 packs at Origins before noticing that the cards
are NOT actually the right size to fit a Fluxx deck.

... my printer will reprint them - before GenCon if he wants to keep
being my printer - but they will not be shipping out with these orders.

Alison sent these orders to the warehouse to ship toady - so you
will be seeing them soon - but don't expect any Party Promos!


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