Hey Kimberly: There are heaps of us, but then CA is a big (and populous) state . Do you mean Vandenberg as in Vandenberg AFB? That's not all that far from Silicon Valley, which in turn is not too far from SF Bay Area. I certainly wouldn't say "conveniently close", but it's all a matter of what you're looking for. Try the rabbit locator (ZIP code) online, and you'll see how many are/will be close. There are still many FLGSs alive and well over here (e.g. Game-A-Lot down in Santa Cruz). I read that there are cons as well, though I've never gone, so I couldn't say how they compare to others elsewhere in the country. Hang in there, wherever you end up! Even if the Rabbit Experience changes, I think the community will stay, so you should be able to find plenty of folks to play games with. Cheers, Ankhst >>no more hobby shop, no more Rabbit Points, No more mono stashes and 6+ dr >>appointments just this month for my 12 yr old. Thank God for coffee shops. I >>so hate change. >> >>Hey-- Any Rabbits in Cali? We may move to the Vandenburg area..... >> >>--Kimberly