Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] testing our new webstore

  • FromCarlo Gozzi <carlogozzi1971@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 5 Nov 2008 07:32:04 -0500
Head factorum,
I live in Canada (Quebec) and am used to internet orders, i already placed two orders through the first store and was going to place one soon but was not in a rush. I usually used paypal for payment. If you need, i'll be up for it and to give the feedback afterwards too. The only sad thing is i was looking to get a copy of Nanofictionary which is not available anymore even on your damaged section  But i'll be glad to help if you need me as i understand that this is for real also. I could also test the gift orders thing as some of the items i need (a Treehouse tube) was for a friend, the only thing would be that i do not wish to be charged extra shipping for it as i intended to grab all the stuff in one order. Anyhow i'll wait for your reply if you need me.
Keep me in touch
The gaminglord a.k.a Carlo Gozzi

> Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 22:16:19 -0500
> From: rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: rabbits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Rabbits] testing our new webstore
> Hello Rabbits,
> We are looking for a few people who are looking to place an order right
> now, who would like to test our new webstore. We've been working on it for
> months now, and we're planning to launch next week, so we want some people
> to place a few orders in the next couple of days and help us make sure it's
> functioning correctly, and that all our systems and processes will work.
> These will be REAL orders, placed with REAL credit cards (or PAYPAL
> accounts!) They will REALLY be shipped out, and you will REALLY be charged.
> We do not want to let testers in willy-nilly, however. Please write us
> back at rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and if you are picked, we will give
> you instructions about how to get into the store, and how to give feedback.
> Please don't spread that information around, as we want to regulate the
> volume of testers. Soon enough the store will be open for business to all.
> Things we're interested in having folks test:
> Credit Card orders
> Paypal orders
> Gift Certificates
> Gift Orders (shipping to a different address)
> The login process for new/returning customers
> Thanks for all your help with everything!
> Alison Looney
> Head Factotum
> Question Answerer 1st Class
> Sales Support
> Chief Art Flunky
> company site: http://looneylabs.com/
> webzine: http://wunderland.com/
> Phone: 301-441-1019, Fax: 301-441-4871
> P.O. Box 761, College Park, MD 20741
> _______________________________________________
> Rabbits mailing list
> Rabbits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://lists.looneylabs.com/mailman/listinfo/rabbits

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