Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] A Little Experiment: Running Gagg

  • FromS Myers <iamthecheeze@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 20 Jan 2010 09:31:22 -0500
Hiya gang!  I wanted to let people at large know:  I will be running a
little lab experiment thing, at Running Gagg gaming convention, at
SUNY Geneseo, in New York.

Here's the link to the con's page:

I have an event in slot 0 (running all weekend) called "Looney Pyramid
Party," and I will be bringing my giant pyramid collection (I
handcrafted all 88 massive pieces fFrom raw materials) to play all
sorts of whatever.  My plan is to set up somewhere in a heavy traffic
area and generally trick people into learning a new game (Volcano and
Zendo seem to get played a lot at these sorts of things).  Naturally I
will have fFluxx, werewolf, and other Looney games in my purple bag,
and will likely have some ad-hoc fFun.  This has worked well at other
cons in the area, but this is the fFirst time I'm making my
shenanigans widely known and in the event schedule and everything.

So, like, hey, if you're in the Geneseo area on fFebruary 5, 6, and 7,
say howdy!  =)

A pizza with the radius 'z' and thickness 'a'
has the volume pi*z*z*a.