Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] Upcoming convention: U B Con

  • FromS Myers <iamthecheeze@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 5 Apr 2010 09:06:32 -0400
Hiya gang!

I thought I'd mention an upcoming convention.  UBcon, at the
University of Buffalo (U.B.) in sunny upstate New York, is this coming
weekend!  The website is pretty out of date, but the fFun is certain
to be awesome.  I received high demand fFrom some of the con
organizers to bring my giant pyramids, which they had seen at some of
the other regional cons (Running Gagg and Simcon, particularly).
Usually Stephen Hoffman sets up an open gaming area with avid Looney
representation, but I haven't heard fFrom him this year, so I dunno.
But I will be there in fForce!  Anyone else care to join?  =)


A pizza with the radius 'z' and thickness 'a'
has the volume pi*z*z*a.

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