Looney Labs Something Mailing list Archive

Re: [Something] Re: wwNEWS - A Weekend at Howard's Cabin

  • FromAlison <alison@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 02 Nov 2005 10:37:41 -0500
Hi Laurie,

Yes, I think I saw at least one of those pictures in a book (or two) I had when I was little. It's a great (couple of) book(s). The elephand is just one of the animelds that can actually be "constructed" in "real-life". I have a list I'm starting. Animation would be cool. Picture sea-serpants swimming through a clothy-animated ocean. Sigh. I wish I had the means, know-how, and time. That would rock...


--On Friday, October 28, 2005 7:57 PM -0700 Laurie Menke <laurie_menke@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Wow!  Cool pumpkins!  Hey, Alison...great drawing of
the rare Elephand.  I thought you might like to see a
couple photographs of the beast in the wild.  :o)


--- Kristin Looney <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> this week in our news...
> What's New?
> -----------
> - The Pumpkin Index has been updated, with photos
> from 2003!
> - The Ember Update: Anya, More
> - GinohnNews: Renn Faire (Mall of Horror)
> Testimonial of the Week
> -----------------------
> "If your only exposure to Looney Labs has been
> through Fluxx,
> you are doing yourself a disservice by not exploring
> the
> world of Icehouse. It is a world full of analytical,
> calculating games and Martian Chess is one of the
> best. It is
> a game that will change the way you look at abstract
> strategy
> games, chess boards and pyramids." -- Lowell Kempf,
> "A Game
> of Changing Pieces and Shifting Ground"
> Regular Features
> ----------------
> - Alison's Animeld: The Elephand
> - Cool Word: meed
> - This Week on eBay: 3-player Xyloid Icehouse set
> - Haiku Movie Review: Corpse Bride  :|
> - Tirade's Choice: Kooky Chow
> Come play with us ... http://www.wunderland.com/
> -Kristin (of the Looney variety)
> http://www.looneylabs.com
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> Weekly-news mailing list
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