Hi all, I've been posting this stuff to the Rabbits list, mostly through the project submission tool, but I thought it was time to broadcast to a wider audience. I've been setting up a network of Looney Labs Fans forums/groups/guilds on assorted popular social networking (and similar) sites. Here's the list: MySpace: http://groups.myspace.com/looneylabsfans Gaia Online: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/index.php?gmode=index&guild_id=29117 (Note that a recent surge in popularity is straining their servers.) Friendster: http://www.friendster.com/group/tabmain.php?gid=160721 (Note that they appear to be having technical problems at the moment.) Hi5 http://www.hi5.com/friend/group/displayGroupFront.do?groupId=1537879 Fanpop: http://www.fanpop.com/spots/looney-labs (The source of the RSS feed for the toolbar, see below) Ning: http://looneylabsfans.ning.com/ Opera Community: http://my.opera.com/looneylabsfans/ YouTube: http://youtube.com/group/looneylabsfans ICQ: http://www.icq.com/groups/group_details.php?gid=12063816 Second Life Join at http://secondlife.com/join (Once you're in, Search Groups for "looney".) citypixel: http://citypixel.com/ (There's one in there, just search the groups once you're set up.) I keep an up to date index of these groups at: http://www.krisjohn.net/labs.html And you can get a browser toolbar from: http://looneylabsfans.forumtoolbar.com/ (Details at http://lists.looneylabs.com/pipermail/rabbits/Week-of-Mon-20070108/001879.html ) As it says on the index page: Maybe you can dust off that old account you created on one of the above, but then didn't find anything to keep you interested, or maybe you can use one of the groups above as a friendly place to start exploring sites you were a little unsure of before -- or maybe you've got a million friends on one of the places already. Also, if anyone is interested in extending the network to Flickr, Yahoo Groups, Orkut or LiveJournal, go for it. (I'd had accounts with those services but have decided to close them for various reasons.) Just tell me the URL once you've got them set up and I'll add them to the index. And if anyone has an imeem account, I need 10 friends to start a group: http://krishaven.imeem.com/ -- or if you already have 10 friends, feel fee to start a group yourself. Hopefully we can all build these groups into a strong network for sharing info, meeting people and introducing people to Looney Labs. Yours, Chris (Krisjohn) Johnson.