Looney Labs Something Mailing list Archive

Re: [Something] Fluxx, The Gaming Company

  • FromAndy Looney <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 26 Mar 2007 21:20:04 -0400
If Fluxx is a registered trademark of Looney Labs, and it was registered
before the end of '98 ("FLUXX AG, founded on December 22, 1998, is

We do indeed have a registered trademark on Fluxx. However it wasn't registered until a few years ago. However however, we've been using it since well before the end of 1998 (the ICE version was out by then!) and how long you've been using it matters. However however however, we really aren't into litigation. But one thing's for sure: it's annoying!

-- Andy

--On March 27, 2007 6:24:14 AM +0800 madlab.rabbit.krishaven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

This one time, at band camp, "Ryan McGuire & Kerry Breitenbach"
<kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> I was just punching random things into Google Image Search, when a
> search  for "fluxx" found the following:
>     http://www1.fluxx.com/fluxx_content_en.php?page=FLUXX_Unt_Group.html

If Fluxx is a registered trademark of Looney Labs, and it was registered
before the end of '98 ("FLUXX AG, founded on December 22, 1998, is
a..."), and so long as trademark stuff is international (and I'm not
sure it automatically is), then Looney Labs have a great case against
this Fluxx company for trademark infringement -- particularly because
the company is in the gaming industry.

This is, unfortunately, quite serious too because Fluxx is LL's flagship
product.  If Googling for "fluxx game" stopped showing LL-related stuff
on Google's front page it could really hurt.

Yours, Chris J.
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