hmmm... I see I never sent out an email last week... (whoops)
last week in our news...
this week in our news...
What's New?
- Version 7 of the Treehouse Rules Label
- Version 2 of the Treehouse Written Rules
- GinohnNews: Dave & Busted and Snow'n Issues
Testimonial of the Week
"I'm fanatical about Icehouse games and Fluxx... in fact, I can't remember
the last time I introduced someone to Zendo or IceTowers and they weren't
scrambling for their own stashes to show their friends. I believe Looney
Labs really has something going with the word of mouth campaign. I'm on
board, and hope to see more and more converted pyramid-geeks showing up in
the Atlanta area... until pyramids blot out the sun... bwahahahaha!!!! I've
been a gamer for 15 years, and prefer abstract strategy games. Looney Labs
has a great lineup of gateway games to convert the non-gamer, so I usually
have a few stashes of pyramids and a Fluxx set in my backpack at all
times." -- Aaron Coover's rabbit bio
Regular Features
- Cool Word: algid
- Alison's Animeld: The Thornbill
- Haiku Movie Review: Pi: Faith in Chaos :(
- Tirade's Choice: L.A. by Day and by Night
Come play with us ...
-Kristin (of the Looney variety)