Looney Labs Weekly Mailing list Archive

wwNEWS - Farewell, Alvaro!

  • FromKristin Looney <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 30 Jul 2006 17:13:19 -0400
last week in our news...  Camping at Signature Rocks

( once again, it seems I never sent out an email - sorry! )

and this week in our news...

What's New?
-  New Products: Volcano Caps and Zendo Cards
-  Part 2 of Andy's Origins Report has been updated
  (including pictures of the Nano Returning Champion)
-  4 New Dessert Samples: Sugar Cookies, Mint Chocolate Milk Shake,
  Pumpkin Pie, and Pecan Pie (a bunch of new artists have signed up, too)
-  GinohnNews: table, swing, stage, ball
-  The Ember Update: Transformus, Luisa's Birthday

Testimonial of the Week
"Looney Labs is probably the most creative and interesting game making franchise in the world (okay, so I don't really know enough about game making franchises to say that with any certainty, but bear with me).ʠDon't be scared off by the games without boards.ʠI know the card games have a tendency to remind us of the overly simple 'Uno' or of the overly geeky 'Magic: The gathering,' but I assure you there is a middle ground. Fluxx, for example, is a very clever game..." -- Lev AC Rosen, "Your Boy Friday: Games"

Regular Features
- Haiku Movie Review: MicroCosmos : )
- Tirade's Choice: Funny Statues Around the World

Come play with us ... http://www.wunderland.com/

-Kristin (of the Looney variety)

Current Thread