Looney Labs Weekly Mailing list Archive

wwNEWS - Get Ready for Martian Fluxx!

  • FromAndy Looney <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 26 Jan 2008 14:17:18 -0500
this fortnight in our news...

What's New?
- Andy's Article: Get Ready for Martian Fluxx! - Update on Why Abraham Lincoln was Impeached - Ask Andy questions: * What Games Have You Been Playing These Past 2 Months? * Who Are You Supporting For President?

Also New: Looney Labs in the New, GinohnNews, Cool Word, Robin TV, Testimonial,
         Haiku Movie Review, Tirade's Choice, Thought Residue, and Rash.log

Come play with us ... http://www.wunderland.com/

-- Andy Looney

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