Looney Labs Weekly Mailing list Archive

wwNEWS - All Systems Go for Monty Python Fluxx!

  • FromAndy Looney <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 13 Sep 2008 22:18:13 -0400
this fortnight in our news...

What's New?
In this update, In this update, Andy shows off the cover art for Monty Python Fluxx and reports on how close it is to arriving!

Also of note:
 - Contents of the Flamethrower Promo Pack added to the Promo Card Index
 - Ask Andy: Another Zombie Fluxx FAQ (re Shotgun Timing)

Usually New: Looney Labs in the News, GinohnNews, Robin TV, Testimonial,
            Haiku Movie Review, Tirade's Choice, Thought Residue, Rash.log

Come play with us ... http://www.wunderland.com/

-- Andy Looney