Looney Labs Weekly Mailing list Archive

wwNEWS - Another Great Origins / A Busy July / Dark Star Park

  • FromAndy Looney <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 07 Aug 2009 05:26:21 -0400
this Whenever in our News...

What's New?
In this update, Andy presents his HUGE three-part report on Origins, gives some teaser info on new Looney Labs products (Aquarius 2.0, Martian Fluxx, and Chrononauts: The Gore Years), and talks about a visit to Dark Star Park to see the annual alignment of the shadows.

Also of note:
   - New Product: Are You The Traitor?
   - Tips and Strategies for playing Tratior
   - New Notes From The Lab
   - Andy's Origins Report: the Booth, Halls, & Lab
   - Robin's Origns Photo Album
   - Winner's Names added to the Medallion Gallery
   - Preliminary Martian Fluxx page, plus a sneak peek at 9 of the cards
   - Ask Andy: Four new FAQ answers
   - Alex Bradley filmed a sample round of "Are You The Traitor?"
   - Tom Vasel's video review of Tratior

Usually New: Looney Labs in the News, Robin TV, Testimonial of the Week,
            Tirade's Choice, Thought Residue, Rash.log

Come play with us ... http://www.wunderland.com/

-- Andy Looney