Posted by P.F. Bruns™ on June 19, 2013 at 09:16PM
For some reason, when I go to order the game while logged in, I'm being quoted the $200 price instead of the $36 price. Is there something else I should be doing?
This also happened during the Cthulhu Fluxx demo. I'm starting to wonder what's going on here.
Posted by feenix1363 on June 19, 2013 at 08:10PM
Totally missed the text box whilst I was placing my order, so I'll take the opportunity to list here what I'm intending to do with my Demo Kit.
I've managed to nurture an interest in two age groups; 13+ (my youngest sons peer group) and 23+ (eldest son's age group).
I started off by teaching them Fluxx, the card game, and have since progressed onto variations. I'm also guiding them through the Pyramid syllabus (a great time for all concerned).
I've been promising them all that we'll start on Fluxx the board game on it's release, and have applied for the goody-bag as well as I think prizes always seem to garner favour with this mercenary lot :D
It'll be interesting to see how everyone else is aiming to promote the game, so please feel free to post here. I know it's not a prerequisite, but it's interesting to the rest of us to see how we each get on.
Posted by Scott Myers on May 16, 2013 at 09:31PM
Ok, it might be a bit silly to post about this going away, in the place that it is leaving. But I thought it might be nice to have a place to give and receive a little fFeedback on the subject.
Personally, I'm cool with closing this fForum. You're right, it is confusing.
Do we know when that will happen? I'd like enough time to peruse the fForums and make sure everything I care abut isn't lost.
Posted by Kathryn Cumpton on April 08, 2013 at 11:12AM
Anyone know if game techs are gonna be getting access to the demo copy?
Posted by Joseph Kisenwether on March 18, 2013 at 06:05PM
Hello All.
Joe Kisenwether here (Startship Captain #200 !)
I am the designer of Undercut, the game which won the Second Ice Game Design competition back in 2004.
Well, the game has continued to evolve these past 9 years, including a components change, and the addition of a Zen Gardening theme, and a number of improvements to the rules. In 2012 it won the Ion award for strategy games at SaltCon, where it caught the attention of Gryphon. It be published this spring! It's getting published under the name Karesansui (Japanese for "rock garden".)
I thought that you all might be interested to see a game that went from web-published play-with-pyramids to published product. And I want to encourage everybody (including myself) to keep designing more pyramid games - you never know what might happen.
And of course, I'd be very grateful for any extra support that gets thrown onto the Kickstarter.
(Andy, I know you've already supported it - Thanks you!)
And while you're at it, check out my other two web-published pyramid games, Turning Points and Synapse-ICE. Both are quick and light but very enjoyable I think. (And there are plans currently in the works for the game Turning Points evolved into. Stay tuned.)
- Joe
Posted by Genevieve Faber on March 14, 2013 at 07:46PM
So, I've seen on a lot of event reports there are lots of great pictures of playing the game....and I have to wonder what I am doing wrong to not get that!
I usually run into 1 of 2 issues:
1) I'm running an event myself so I'm busy playing or teaching a game and thus am not going to stop the game to take a pic.
2) I have help, but before I take a pic I always ask the players if they are okay with it and point out that it will be posted online but in a private forum. If I have even one player object or seem uncomfortable, I don't take the pic.
Does anyone else run into these issues? If so, how are you able to resolve it? Should I maybe stop mentioning how the picture will be used?
Lately, I've just been trying to at least get a pic of my table set up and a picture of the "winning" setup for a game, assuming it doesn't get destroyed, since people are often helpful and start cleaning things up right away so we can get onto another game.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Posted by Brianna Ruiz on February 27, 2013 at 07:38PM
Looking for a Starship captain or two willing to come to the international San Diego comic convention and run cadet training and other various pyramid, and Looney lab games. Convention is Wednesday July 17, 2013-Sunday July 21, 2013.
Must be able to provide yourself with transportation, and lodging arrangements.
I will provide badge.
If you are interested, send me a message, telling me why and a little bit about yourself.
Posted by Greg Lattanzio on February 16, 2013 at 07:30PM
There's less than 24 hours before the end of the first round of open voting...
Remember, if you believe that you've voted, but haven't received an email confirming your vote, send it again.
The final round will begin within a few days. I've been testing out various online voting programs, and still haven't narrowed it down to the best one.
Posted by Brianna Ruiz on February 01, 2013 at 12:11AM
I didn't see any group discussions that had to do with introductions (Or its possible I didn't look hard enough) so i thought I'd start one. Either way, Im Bree a southern California Resident and Starship Captain. I have been a fan of looney labs for about two years now, and love all the games they produce.
Any way I just wanted to say Hi to the group, and a thank you for letting me be apart of the elite captains.
Posted by Ahsim Fish on January 23, 2013 at 12:05AM
Hello this is a discussion where you write your name if you think they should have a fluxx with mummys vampires werewolfs and in your reply write any suggestions for monsters
Posted by Chris Kreskai on January 02, 2013 at 05:26PM
Hi All,
With March just around the corner, i was wondering if anyone here does Who's YerCon in Indianapolis, Indiana? If so, do you run Looney Labs events? I usually go and run some board games, just wondered if anyone was doing events before I register time slots.
Posted by Bill Leonard on December 08, 2012 at 01:12AM
Just got accepted to the demo team earlier today. Wanted to ask a few questions. Hopefully, some "vets" have the answers... :)
First, I've followed all of the instructions for access to the "secret store." Since I'm posting here, but still don't have access to that button when I sign into the store, I have to guess that these two things (access to the demo team and access to the secret store) don't happen at the same time. Any idea on how long it is after getting accepted until having access to the store? Not trying to rush or anything, but I'm planning on ordering some things anyway within the next day or two and with holiday parties coming up, I'd like to have the option to pick up some demo stuff as well.
My other question relates somewhat to the first one. When placing an order, can I combine "demo" stuff and "personal" stuff onto one order, or would this need to be two separate orders? As I said, I'm planning on making a personal order within the next few days anyway, so, if I can get access to the secret store and maybe throw some extra stuff on there to demo at the holiday parties, all the better to get it all at once.
Thanks in advance!
Posted by Bianca Ruffin on November 21, 2012 at 09:03PM
Hey everyone!

Earlier we announced our holiday gift to our fans - free rules to Pink Hijinks, along with a coupon code which lets you get $3 off the game...
However, if you have been helping us promote the pyramids this year, and hence have earned a free copy of our holiday gift, below is the code you need to get your free copy!
Just order the game from our webstore and when you check out, enter coupon code 1FREEPINK, and the $12 purchase price will be deducted from your order! Please don't share this coupon code outside of this private demo team forum!!
Note: many of our stores are participating in the $3 off deal on the holiday gift - unfortunately we don't have a way to let you get a free copy from a local retailer - so if you have earned a free copy, you will have to order it from us online. Thanks!
PS: This offer ends on Dec. 7, 2012. Thanks for being so awesomely rad, y'all.
Posted by Rebecca Hoop on October 26, 2012 at 04:12PM
The deadline for submitting events for MAGFest 11 is next week (October 31, I think). Would anyone be interested in running a Fluxx Fest event with me? I ran this at Intervention Con in September, and it worked out great, but there were 4 of us to run games. I'll need a solid commitment from a few folks in order to run it at MAGFest. I'd be willing to run other LL events also/instead, but I'm most comfortable with the Fluxx games.
MAGFest is a gaming and music convention at the Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center at the National Harbor, January 3-6, 2013. The focus is mainly on video gaming, but they have an open tabletop gaming area with games you can check out, and a tabletop gaming room for events and tournaments. My husband and I went to the last one and we had a blast.
Posted by Kevin L. on October 02, 2012 at 12:42PM
I already have most of the components in the Cadet Training kit, but would love to be able to get:
Treehouse bag
Instructions to the Game Tech running events
- 2 copies of Pyramid Primer #1 - with rules to all games
- 20 Syllabus booklets, to hand out to participants
Will these be available separately?
Posted by Joshua Denmeade on September 26, 2012 at 02:45AM
Starship Captains:
This thread is to determine the readiness of the IceSheet Pikemen. Please, only comment here a thumbs up (or yes, or yea, or i approve, or something positive) or a thumbs down (or no, or nay, or i disapprove, or something negative). This thread is for voting only. Please leave your comments for the discussion thread in the Pyramid forums. It can be found here.
I vote thumbs up.
Posted by Greg Lattanzio on September 26, 2012 at 01:10AM
The first round is now closed. For the second round discussion and voting, see this thread.
I’ve spoke with a few of you who bemoaned the absence of an IceAwards for last year’s games. The IceAwards inspire game creation and keep exemplar, potentially classic games from falling into obscurity. We started several months later than usual this year, but we’re still on schedule to get the awards done by Jan 2013.
1. 1st round: Game play through to make sure games “work” and are actually “pyramid games” (not Snakes and Ladders with pyramids as merely movement pieces). A game passes if one player, who didn’t make the game, vouches for it. If a game maker or player can explain why a broken game isn't broken, they have a last chance to quickly fix or clarify a rule.
2. 2nd round: Try to get up to two players to play at least each game to see if it is good enough for consideration for the top spots. One player could be enough, if nobody else wants to give a second opinion. If, at least, one player passes a game, it goes on to round 3. The original IceAwards rules says that, at this point, different players should review the games than from the prior round. This is to encourage more players to learn the games early on, but, as the first 1st round is only to "pass" a game as playable, reviews from games you played in the first round will probably be allowed if no other reviews are forthcoming.
3. 3rd round: The semi finalists, top five or six games, are judged as they were last year. Players are encouraged to explain what they felt about the games (for games they didn't review in the 2nd round), and we try to get as many players as possible. After some discussion, the votes will be done via the forum.
4. 4th round: The top three games determined and ranked. The votes will be done via the forum.
The first round of weeding out broken games could be done here. Then the discussion and votes could be taken to the main forum.
The original rules to the IceAwards are here. I forgot to consult them and went basically off memory and what seemed to make sense. The one difference I see is my stipulation that the designers don't judge their own games until the voting starts (third round).
If we go with a version of the IceAwards, the following games are eligible from 2011:
Round 1:
1• Bridge [passed, possibly with concerns]
2. Colonization
3 Carrots and Broccoli
4• Chain Reaction [passed, with noted concerns]
5• Evacuate [passed]
6• Freeze Tag [passed]
7. Gleebs and Grues [passed]
8• Ice Colony [passed]
9• IceCubed
10• I Have Color
11• Martian Canals [passed pending any objection]
12• Paint the Line [passed]
13• Pentamid Twist[passed]
14• Stacktrices
15• Stawvs [passed]
16• The Wilds of Mars [passed]
17• Whack Chess [passed]
18• Ziggurat Demolition Throwdown [passed]
Eliminated/Withdrawn Round 1:
Round 1: At this stage, all a game needs to pass is to be vouched for as playable and to be demonstratively a pyramid game by one player. The games listed here are placed here until the round is concluded, so they may be returned to the list if a player demonstrates that they are passable.
"Colonization" [Withdrawn by designer]
"I Have Color"[Withdrawn by designer]
"Carrots and Broccoli"
" Stacktrices" [Withdrawn by designer]
Posted by Shane Murdock on September 23, 2012 at 01:01PM
I felt like posting the three promotional coins so far :-P i recieved my GameTechnician Token its pretty cool...

Posted by Nicholas Lamicela on August 28, 2012 at 05:17PM
So, I was playing board games with a friend in the G+ Hangouts version of AnywhereBoardGames, and I decided to bring Icehouse to our little world. So I looked up the official specifications for piece size and made some pixelly goodness.

I asked Looney Labs if I could distribute the files, and they said yes. So, if you wanted to play with pyramids while video chatting, it just got easier! Feedback is appreciated.
Posted by Dallan Duggar on August 20, 2012 at 08:41PM
Hey Starship Captains!
I have been working on some fun pyramid games recently. After a bunch of play-testing, writing, rewriting, rewording, and formatting of the rules, I am finally ready to release my first game for the Looney Pyramids game system. Like I said, I have some other games in the works, but I feel like this game is finally solid and ready to get out there for you all to play.
I love playing pyramid games; however, often times I don't have another player to play with. Because of this dilemma, I decided to set out and create a decent solitaire game as the first game I release. There aren't many solitaire games available for the Looney Pyramid game system and I wanted to create one of the best. Hopefully I have done so.
So check out my game, Egyptian Solitaire, and once you get good at beating it, try the additional challenges (including the larger board) and you can even time yourself to see how fast you can beat the game or any of the additional challenges.
Egyptian Solitaire is available on -
Nicely formatted PDF rules with included 3x4 and 4x5 game boards are available to download and print at:
I hope you all get a chance to play my brand new solitaire game and enjoy it. I also hope that Andy and Kristin will get a chance to play it when they get a second as well :)
Also, give me a thumbs up or comment on this thread with your approval if you think Egyptian Solitaire is a solid game and ready to be put on the "More Games" section of the Looney Labs website. I know Looney Labs is hard at work on potentially releasing a 3HOUSE or 3-Stash boxed set and if Egyptian Solitaire is well accepted and people like to play it, I think it could be a great solitaire game to have rules added to that boxed set so right out of the box a new player would have a solitaire game to play and would not need another player to start having fun with this awesome pyramid game system!
Posted by Rebecca Hoop on July 24, 2012 at 02:09PM
I was just wondering if anyone has plans to run LL events at Intervention Con (September 21-23, Rockville, MD). I am thinking about trying to run a "Fluxx Fest" but I want to make sure that I don't conflict with anyone else.
Also, would anyone be interested in helping me run it?
Posted by Nicholas Laux on July 16, 2012 at 05:56PM
I've found the various rule clarification posts on the old Wiki to be very helpful for previous versions. In order to keep this centralized and easily searchable, I wanted to create a new topic for everyone to add their clarification questions and answers. I will try to keep this at least partially up-to-date with others' questions, and with my first reply, I'll put the interpretation that the group I've been demo-ing with has interpreted the answers as.
- Necronomicon - Does using its power to move a creeper that's attached to a keeper detatch it, or does it move the keeper that's attached as well?
- Necronomicon + Play > 1 - Is there a limit to uses? If you have Play All, can you shuffle everyone's Creepers around to your heart's content?
- Metamorphosis + Elder Sign - Can you hide an unattached Metamorphosis (or any other unattached but attachable creeper) under the Elder Sign (before it attaches)
- Sanitarium - Can you discard both Nightmares and Madness during the same turn? (Note: Upon rereading, yes, you can, it does specifically say "and".) Does discarding the attached creeper detatch it, or cause you to discard the keeper attached as well?
- Dark Gifts - If your Doom count is 0, can you still use this?
- Metamorphosis - Does the "any special powers" effect negate the anti-doom of a card with anti-doom? (If yes, does it would also prevent investigators from having Nightmares / Madness?)
- Librarian - This does not give you any of the abilities of the Necronomicon, right?
- In Star Fluxx, does/can the Projector project the special powers of the chosen Keeper? When projecting, does it cancel those powers as well? Ie: can you project the Computer and Draw/Play +1, and/or force the player with it to obey the exact Hand Limits, rather than Limit +1?
- Strange Aeons - Do you still get to draw the +3 cards from playing Cosmic Instructions? What if it's already in play? Ie: If Cosmic Instructions is already in play and you play Strange Aeons, do you discard it from play, then play it again, (drawing 3 extra cards) or does it just stay in play?
- Cosmic Instructions - Does this essentially turn Ungoals into Creepers? Ie does the Ungoal play count as one of your plays, or not?
- Dreams and Omens/Shadow Out of Time + Secret Cultist - What is the turn ordering for these cards when played together? I played Dreams and Omens and gave the next player the Secret Cultist. They also had Shadow Out of Time in their hand. Dreams and Omens specifically says "Play the chosen card before starting their next turn." Therefore, does the Secret Cultist count as having been played During your Turn (causing them to lose their next turn) or Out of Turn (Doing ???). If it counts as during your turn, then which turn is their "next turn"? The one that is about to happen, or the one that happens after their current draw/play? If you play Shadow Out of Time afterwards, does that then eat up the missed Secret Cultist turn, or do you get to still take the additional turn, and then lose the following turn?
- Hastur - What limitations are there on speaking the unspeakable word? Does a partial-word count? (ie "Goal" is unspeakable - does "Ungoal" count to move it? Same for "Rule" being unspeakable and "Meta-Rule"?). What about winning a game via Cult Clash? Can someone say the unspeakable and steal Hastur before the other owner realises that they've won? Additionally, how best to handle disputes where two players keep intentionally saying the word back and forth, to the point of preventing play from progressing?
- Draw 2 + Doom - Can your Doom count ever be negative? If I have Penguins and the Cat and nothing else with Draw 2 + Doom in play, do I draw 2 or 0?
Posted by Joseph Sullivan on July 10, 2012 at 03:46PM
Not sure if it's just my copy but a friend noticed during one play that the image is slightly crooked leaving the "Investigator" icon to be partially off the card. Normally not a big deal but the ink got along the side of the card as well leaving it easily recognizable in the draw pile as you can see the one black streak against the white.
Posted by Matthew Rogers on June 07, 2012 at 02:14PM
A quick look at Andy's page on IcehouseOrg shows no fewer than five embargoed games: In addition to Petri Dish (2008, intended for boxed production someday) and Pink Hijinks (2011, release pending sales target for IceDice), there are Powerhouse (2010), Sand Ships (2010), and Petal Battle (2010). Sand Ships -- which has a theme that I find enticing -- at least requires custom components, but it sounds like Powerhouse might be played by Starship Captains with materials on hand, and Petal Battle is a complete mystery.
Have any of you Cap'ns played these last three games at cons or anything? Should I be eagerly awaiting them, or are they just pie-in-the-sky mirages?
Posted by Kristin Looney on May 16, 2012 at 04:48PM
The Cthulhu Fluxx Lanuch Team is beginning to form... will you join this launch team?
Cthulhu Fluxx goes on sale in stores all over on August 17th - but as an officially registered Game Technician you have the chance to get your hands on a copy a month early! Not only do you get the game early, you get a poster, a playmat, and 25 promo cards to give away to your friends. And to increase the cool factor, and make it worth the cost of the kit, the launch kit comes with a REALLY awesome limited edition challenge coin so if ever challenged you can prove you were a part of the team that helped us launch this game.
View The Launch Kit • Get Access to the Game Tech Store
No reporting is required. We trust you will do good things with these marketing materials. Your mission is to jabber enthusiastically about the game to everyone you know. Your kit will come with ideas and instructions for ways to promote the game...
... more details as plans progress - click on 'follow' or respond to this thread if you are joining this team!
Posted by Matthew Rogers on May 16, 2012 at 01:31PM
I'm all psyched about the Cthluhu Fluxx challenge coin, but wondering what the timeline is for the coin for Starship Captains.

Posted by Jeff Wolfe on May 09, 2012 at 02:39AM
Rumors on the public forums suggest that Cthulhu Fluxx will be here sooner rather than later. There hasn't been a public announcement that I've seen, but might the Looney Labs folks be willing to tell us here in the Demo Tech forum
1) When Cthulhu Fluxx will be out
2) When the demo kits will be available
If not specific dates, then maybe ballpark figures?
Posted by Andrew Zorowitz on April 23, 2012 at 09:51PM
So, I know the Looneys won't be back at Origins this year, but Foam Brain Games will be and we're planning on doing LL (and a few other company) demos in the vendor room.
Would anyone be interested in demoing for us?
9 Hours - Free Badge
14 Hours - Free Badge and Lunch each day of the show
19 Hours - Free Badge, Lunch each day, and a $75 Gift Certificate as thanks
24 Hours -F ree Badge, Crash Space, Lunch each day, and a $75 Gift Certificate as thanks
Posted by Randall Reed on March 28, 2012 at 01:53AM
I may be missing a posting somewhere, but I was wondering if the Treehouse sets in the Green pyramidal bag were ever released? I can't find them anywhere. Glad to have made it to Starship Captain status, and I may just go for Admiral, if this un/under-employment continues unabated.Thank you, Looney Labs; your products have helped keep me sane during some very trying times.
Posted by Randall Reed on March 14, 2012 at 03:58PM
Hi! I am unable to find a way to order my launch kit. Any suggestions? Or have I just come upon it too late?
Posted by Matthew Rogers on March 10, 2012 at 02:57PM
I'm following on this thread in the Pyramid Games forum with what I monkeyed up for my own generic use playing at home. I didn't want to post it out there because, a) it's Starship Captain-specific, and b) it pirates Andrew Looney's art. (Better to post it in a private group where he's the owner, I figure.)
It's mighty crude compared to what Jason posted for his Liar's Ice screen, but maybe it will inspire someone else to even better versions.
This particular general design (letter-sized paper divided lengthwise with the image/text facing the nearest long edge) has the advantage of being printable on regular paper to fold, as shown in the attached photos, OR printed on both sides of heavier stock that can then be cut in half to make two complete screens.
Posted by Benjamin Smith on March 09, 2012 at 07:51PM
Received my Oz FLuxx today. Can't wait for game night tonight!!!
I was thumbing through the cards, and I noticed the 'Play 4' card is different than the other 'new rule' cards, there isn't a 'star'/''flower'/'asterisk' in the upper left corner. Obviously this does not effect the play of the game. I just thought it was odd.
Posted by Luke A Bracegirdle on March 07, 2012 at 03:35PM
I'm planning to run an "Oz Day" to promote oz fluxx when it comes out at my local games store. There'll be fancy dress, oz fluxx, and in the evening, a game of oz dark and terrible the roleplaying game. i'll be giving out prizes for best fancy dress. I thought i'd share the idea with you guys.
Posted by Luke A Bracegirdle on March 06, 2012 at 03:16PM
I am a starship admiral. I wondered how many other captains have risen to this rank.
to be an admiral you have to play 30 pyramid games.
Posted by Shane Murdock on March 06, 2012 at 12:51AM
Recently my fiancés was in the hospital for a short stay and of course i didn't leave her side. So we had seen a few ICEHOUSE RPGS but mostly extremely complicated and so far from finished so my fiancé and i have set out to attempt to design a LOONEY PYRAMIDS RPG..... and would love help from anyone whom would like to participate
Posted by Niall Bole on February 24, 2012 at 08:55PM
I'm endeavoring to increase the number of completed Icesheets available, and am most of the way through transcribing Armada. I've sent the designer a message but don't want to put it up without his permission just yet - but I have a query on IceSheet design and the game rules that I hope some Captains can help me with.
I've played a few games of Armada where all the remaining large ships have been blocked by one-pointers stopped right in front of them, effectively ending the game as they can't move anywhere. To this end, I've been developing a house rule for ramming (if a ship's movement causes it to overlap with another, each ship takes damage equal to the pip count of the other) that means the larger ships can brush the smaller ones out of the way with relative ease.
Finally, the questions: Firstly, could any Armada players out there give feedback on how they feel about the rule, and whether it contributes to the game? And secondly, what's the procedure for contributing houserules to the Icehouse Wiki or the Icesheets?
Posted by Ted Adams on February 24, 2012 at 03:08PM
With the wild success of the new etched IceDice dice is there any chance of there being etched treehouse dice. I have lost track of the number of treehouse dice that I have worn away from frequent use. Before I changed jobs a group of us played looney pyramids at lunch and both 15 minute breaks every day at work for a while. I really miss those times.
Posted by Dave Autzen on February 07, 2012 at 08:51PM
I'm a Demo Team member, and I run a retail shop. So I'm getting the demo kits through the store subscription instead of direct. That is not a problem, right? I can remain on the demo team?
Posted by Kristin Looney on February 03, 2012 at 01:37PM
I really need to start using this group to plan Focus Group playtesting!
Our sales manager, Jennifer Powers, is in town this week, and we are heading downtown tonight to Cafe Romeo's to do some playtesting with a local Fluxx Meetup group. We will be playtesting Cthulhu Fluxx and a brand new prototype board game we have not yet spoken of officially anywhere...
More details... - come join us if you are available!
Posted by Matthew Rogers on January 27, 2012 at 07:54PM
Rainbow and Xeno Stashes each have four translucent colors and a single opaque color. In the Crypto Stash that I just fantasized, there would be a single translucent color and four opaque colors, i.e.:
- One nest of translucent brown pyramids (homage to Root Beer).
- One nest of opaque gray.
- One nest of opaque tan.
- One nest of opaque silver chrome.
- One nest of opaque gold chrome.
This color scheme would depart from the candy-dish hues of the existing sets (and the palette of Looney Labs more generally), but it could endear itself to those who favor a steampunk (i.e. "sepia goth") aesthetic.
Posted by Andrew Zorowitz on January 09, 2012 at 08:10PM
Hi everyone! My name is Andrew Zorowitz, and I run a store called Foam Brain Games located in upstate NY. We also spend a lot of our time on the convention circuit selling board games, dice, etc.
I'm very very excited to announce that we will be running an event throughout 2012 called the Looney Labs Experience - the idea being that there will be demos of new and exciting Looney Labs games, and an exclusive promo card when someone buys a LL game from us.
In order to make this happen, we're looking for demo people to help us at a ton of events in the upcoming year. I've gone ahead and added several events to the upcoming event calendar, but there are going to be more as well.
In exchange for people demoing, we're offering badges, food, free games, and (where available) hotel crash space, depending on the number of hours worked.
If you're interested in demoing for any of the upcoming shows, want to be added to my mailing list to get notified when we add more shows, or for questions or information please don't hesitate to email me at
Posted by Dennis D Duquette on January 04, 2012 at 12:57PM
Does anyone know where to find the icesheets that already exist? For instance, no icesheet is attached to or linked from, or, or even (straw grasping here, as no search results came up, either)
I'd like to print a binder of icesheets of my favorite Icehouse games for Arisia, so I could have handouts for new players. Are we consolidating any of these anyplace?
I know some are in this forum, but there should be a way to search for those that exist, and possibly identify those games for which icesheets do not yet exist.
Posted by Greg Lattanzio on December 22, 2011 at 10:25PM
Will you be selling the IceDice dice separately sometime after the holidays? I play a lot of pyramid games, have 10 full stashes, and am interested in supporting LL as I am able. However, I’d like to be able to buy and demo IceDice.
I have no need for additional Rainbow sets, and I don’t need the IceDice bag or rulebook.
I would pay $3 to $5 for the dice, and I’d probably buy a few playmats (which I realize are going for only $.30 each). Still, I think there would be a demand for the dice, with or without the playmats, and that they could be even be sold for a little more than the $1 the treehouse dice go for (since they look really nice).
In a few months, I'll be buying IceDice for a birthday gift for a new player. This is more about getting the game out there to a greater extent for the existing community.
Posted by Andrew Looney on December 15, 2011 at 12:12AM
Greetings Captains! Very soon I will be releasing another new game, called Lunar Invaders. It's actually an old game with a new hat -- it's Cosmic Coasters redesigned to use Pyramids and to be less chaotic. Please give this rulesheet a quick look so I can make any corrections you call for before I release it into the wild. Thanks!
Posted by Kristin Looney on December 03, 2011 at 03:02PM
I just gotta show you guys this image... OMG the artwork for Oz Fluxx is coming out AWESOME!

(and yes, this is secret - we have not even announced this product yet!)
Posted by Tim Seiger on November 23, 2011 at 09:48PM
Any word when Treehouse will be available again? Either in the new packaging or old?
Posted by Ryan Hackel on November 22, 2011 at 03:15AM
The spam attacks at the IceWiki are officially hitting faster than I can undo them. This has got to stop. Any suggestions?
I should also mention that I cannot access LocalSettings.php... only Brian Campbell can do that.
Posted by Kristin Looney on November 17, 2011 at 12:27AM
We will be sending out our Holiday Gift next week - and we wanted to get it to you guys a bit early so you can check it out, print some copies, and makes plans to give them out to your friends and family whom you have been teaching our games to.
It's called Pyramid Shambo and it's a tournament-style version of Rock-Paper-Scissors!
Pyramids are used as scoring markers, and the penalties for losing a round escalate when players get into those cycles where they keep matching each other's choice. When you lose all your pyramids you get knocked out of the game, after which there are consequences for those who "invested" in your future by collecting pyramids of your color.
2-5 can play with 1 Rainbow stash, and if you also have a Xeno stash, as many as 10 can play! It's easy and exciting, and it's great for a group to play at a big dinner table.
DOWNLOAD HERE - DO NOT share this link - we announce this next week just before Thanksgiving.
It is ok to give a printout to someone early - as long as you tell them it is early and they shouldn't post anything online about it until The Looneys announce the gift online. After we put the announcement live on 11/23 please forward that announcement far and wide - but for now, please download the gift and check out the game - we have been having TONS of fun with it - I hope you enjoy it!
ALSO... check out the Current Project over on the main DEMO TEAM page. Be sure you post a quick message on THIS THREAD about what you are doing to promote IceDice and Looney Pyramids so you find out how to get a free Pink Hijinks when we meet our sales goal!
Happy Holidays - Thanks for helping us promote our games!
Posted by Scott Myers on October 24, 2011 at 07:58PM
I have yet another Icesheet to post, fFor your discussion.
I think we can agree Pikemen is an established, well loved, well known, well played game. I don't see any problem with the game getting to the Looney page. The question is: Are these rules awesome? Jacob Davenport helpfully gave me pieces of text I didn't otherwise have to work with, and I made up some nice illustrations.
It runs a little long at 4 pages, but I think it's all good stuff.
Let me know your thoughts!
Posted by Scott Myers on October 21, 2011 at 09:26AM
I have another nifty new Icesheet put together! This time, it's the older game Extinction!
Extinction comes fFrom the era of chessboard bandanna games, and was designed fFor the packaged game of Blackice. It is a pretty nifty game, and a bit similar to Pikemen. I fFirst started playing it because it seemed to be endangered, which struck me as kind of ironic.
Liam has given the game his blessing (saying he is amused by the fFact that it is old enough to warrant a historical note), as well as the photograph provider, Spencer C.
Let me know what you think.
Posted by Scott Myers on October 13, 2011 at 11:14AM
Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen!
The game Logger has existed a couple years now, having been invented by Erik Dresner in 2008. It's a pretty nifty game, and took 2nd place in the 2008 IGDC. I have constructed an Icesheet, which is attached. As described on the "More Games" page on, 10 people need to play it and give it a thumbs up before it can be accepted as a groovy game fFor everyone. The 8 people who judged the game in 2008 might want to hop in with their thoughts here. If anyone thinks it's a terrible game with broken rules, now would be the time to speak up -- but I think you won't hate it. =)
About the game: Rival Lumberjacks are competing to knock down the most trees; but there's protestors who are standing in the way. It's a game of even turns, with a Pyramidicity Score of 3. It requires a 5x5 grid, and about 3ish rainbow treehouse sets. I say about 3ish, because if you don't knock down trees very often, you might need more pieces. Also some pieces get used as players' lumberjacks (but you can also use meeples or pawns or something). The game's theme might seem a little slanted against hippies, but I do notice that it underscores hippies' ability to shape the world. And the player with the most protestors has a stronger position in the game. =)
I received permission fFrom the game designer, as well as the creator of the photograph I used of the game, to make these rules.
I hope you like it =)
Posted by Jason Webster on October 09, 2011 at 01:37AM
Hi all.
I have shown the Icedice game now to three groups of mine. All three times, by the end of playing IceDice, they have stopped calling it by that name and all called it ....3 Trees. :) All of these people have never played a pyramid game before. So none of them know the back history of the game pieces. The conversation goes something like this.
"That was a fun game, can we play 3 Trees again." Says new Ice Dice player.
"What?", I say, " Oh, you mean Ice Dice. Sure"
" IceDice, why is it called that again? I see that we roll the dice , but my goal is to build 3 Trees ,not build three Ice thingies "
"Well, originally the pieces were used in a game called Icehouse so..."
" I don't even know that game.", Interupts the new 3Trees( I mean Ice Dice ) Player, " Look, I am making pretty green trees in this game. The red trees look nice too. Reminds me of Christmas. You can call it whatever you like. I like the name 3 Trees."
Anyone else getting interesting names from new players of Ice Dice??? :)
Jason Webster
Posted by Al Beddow on October 05, 2011 at 06:28AM
Hi, being new to the program I don't have a good answer for a question my stores have been asking me because of the stickers we put on the promo cards granting a discount in the online store.
The owner's my two stores have asked me "Why should I let you come in, demo to my customers, and then let you drive them to the the Looney Labs online-store with the discount on the promo postcards you hand out?"
Honestly, I have no good answer. I've been in this situation with previous companies offering a $5 discount certificate to someone shopping at their online store and such, and got the same question. End result there was the store owner deciding that as long as I offered discounts driving people to the company's online store, he would not let me run games for that company in his store.
So, is there anything good I can tell these store owners?
Al B.
Spodunk/Spocomption, WA (ok, it's "Spokane" wink)
Posted by P.D. Magnus on September 19, 2011 at 02:18AM
I've set up the rules for ZGS in the new Icesheets format.
It looks as if Ning will let me upload it here: ziggurat03.pdf
I'd appreciate feedback.
Posted by Shane Murdock on September 16, 2011 at 09:23AM
My friends and I were playing fluxx last night and well our minds began to splurt out random fluxx names/ideas... And I thought I would share those ideas seeing they seemed well fun or funny....
1. Strip Fluxx
2. What The Fluxx (WTF)
3. Lovers Fluxx or Couples Fluxx
4. Kama Sutra Fluxx
5. Furry Fluxx
6. Morton's List Fluxx
Just a few Ideas one of my friends stated a in the bedroom adult themed fluxx would be an interesting and very enjoyable version...
Posted by Kristin Looney on September 14, 2011 at 04:46AM
Ok all you Starship Captains - I've got a job for you!
I am not announcing this out on twitter or facebook just yet - although someone will discover it at some point - but please don't post this anywhere until you hear about it from me elsewhere. That said, we just pushed all the new rules web pages live at - along with the cool new look that our whole web site will be getting over time. Check it out!
Specifically, check out the MORE GAMES page, where I talk about how Andy and many of the active Starship Captains are hard at work converting the rules to the best of the pyramid games to our new rules format. I've got a web guy standing by to build official rules pages for any games that qualify according to the process I laid out on this page. Also, I can link to any other format of template that any of you guys want to make from the two that I have provided.
Who wants to build some rules pages?
Another request: you will see that I have built-in prominent links over to the fan run wiki for each game - so the community can easily continue to add additional links and information about any given game, and this information will be easily found by anyone looking through the rules pages on our web site. This is great for games like IceTowers that have been around forever and have excellent wiki pages about them - but check out what IceDice looks like! I tried once to get the infobox working on one of our games once, and I didn't manage to make sense of it. Can someone please help make the wiki pages for the 13 games in the new Guide to Looney Pyramids at least have the basic structure all set up correctly? We are about to start point all sorts of new people to this wiki - now would be a great time to work on it if anyone is so inclined!
Sorry it took so long... but at long last we have uniform formatting for the rules sheets for pyramid games! Whoo hooo! Who wants to format up some of the fan designed classics so we can start filling up this MORE GAMES page on our new Looney Pyramids web site?
Posted by Luke A Bracegirdle on August 16, 2011 at 08:41AM
This is something I came up with as a cool way to demo ice dice, but as I'm in England and can't really demo, I thought I'd share it with you guys. The idea is that at your game group or game shop, whichever has the room, you set up tables for at least 10 icehouse games, with volunteers on each table running people through the rules for each game. Each participant has a piece of card, with a list of the games on. The leader on each table ticks off each game as they play it, and there is space for the player to rank the games. Each player would get some kind of door prize for playing, and those that play 10 games get a special prize.(I'm thinking a sew-on badge with the starship captain symbol on it) You could even have the new starship captains to go against each other, with the winner to get an extra special prize, or have a raffle of looney labs with proceeds to a charity. If/when looney labs is sellable in the EU again, I'll be running a day like this.
Posted by Andrew Looney on August 13, 2011 at 02:35AM
Greetings Starship Captains!
Here's a first look at something many of you have been waiting to get for a very long time: we are finally establishing a uniform style for Icehouse game rulesheets! (I've been calling them IceSheets.) The new format is designed to work both when encountered individually and when collected together, and also to be something fans can emulate when making rulesheets of their own games. All IceSheets will be printable on standard 8.5x11 pieces of paper, so you can easily keep them in a 3-ring binder.
I've done 4 so far: IceDice, Launchpad 23, Pharaoh, and Caldera. They're all bundled together in one PDF, so please download them and take a look! The Caldera pages in particular need review, since they are new, while the other 3 are simply re-formatting of 3 of my most recent rule booklets.
I hope you like them!
-- Andy
Posted by Kristin Looney on August 13, 2011 at 02:18AM
Please post an EVENT REPORT about your activities playing Star Fluxx... the launch is over, and the launch kits are no longer available. Thank you to everyone who helped us with the launch of this game!
Posted by Kristin Looney on August 13, 2011 at 02:16AM
The game has launched... it is getting great reviews... but we need to tell more people about it!
I hijacked this thread that used to be about buying an advance copy of IceDice and posting your project plan for helping to promote the launch, to then be about posting project plans for anyone who wanted to help help us promote IceDice and Looney Pyramids to get us to the goal of selling the first 7000 copies of IceDice...
NOTE: We decided not to wait on sales of IceDice to determine when we published Pink Hijinks, and instead are making it our Holiday Gift for 2012. When the gift is announced everyone who has posted a project plan on this thread will find out how to get a Free Copy of Pink Hijinks...
Posted by Jeff Wolfe on August 11, 2011 at 07:08PM
At Origins, Kristin mentioned that they have been calling people who have played at least 30 pyramid games "Admirals." It got me to thinking that we could have more terms for people at the various levels of experience. This is my attempt to create a list of such "ranks".
I decided to reserve the prefix "Starship" for those terms that generally indicate fans of the pyramids (they've enlisted, so to speak). The prefix "Pyramid" is applied to the "lesser" or "introductory" terms (for those who are still metaphorically planetbound).
Starship Captain - Has played at least 10 pyramid games and can make a ranked list of the 10 favorite.
Starship Admiral - Has played at least 30 pyramid games. Must be able to list at least 30 games, but a ranked list beyond 10 is not necessary.
Starship Cadet - Has played at least one pyramid game, and is actively trying to become a Captain. Can only be self-bestowed--no one else can tell you if you want to be a Captain or not.
Starship Lieutenant - Is one game short of becoming a Captain. This supersedes Cadet--you can't have both ranks at the same time.
Pyramid Virgin - Has never played a pyramid game. I wanted to avoid the V-word, but I couldn't find a term that fit nearly as well.
Pyramid Initiate - Has played at least one pyramid game, but is not a Cadet. This would include someone who doesn't like the pyramids and someone who is just happy with the games that he knows. And someone who is not a Cadet--yet.
Pyramid Specialist - Focuses on one or two pyramid games, generally to the exclusion of all others. This is a title held in addition to another one, usually Initiate. But one could be a Captain and a Specialist, for example, if one decides to settle down and focus on one or two games after learning many of them.
So, what do you think?
Posted by Dave Autzen on August 01, 2011 at 04:55AM
So will there be a Launch Project for the new version of Fluxx?
Our local con is the second weekend in September this year, so I'm hoping the demo copy will be available by then. Everyone I've talked to seems eager to play Star Fluxx!
Posted by Luke A Bracegirdle on July 21, 2011 at 06:05PM
Yesterday I played launchpad 23 with 3 players, and we all chose medium. this made for a long game, and it raised some questions.
1 could one of us have changed size with a total system failure?
2 if we rolled something for which there were no more in the bank, and both were in the factory, could we reroll?
Posted by Luke A Bracegirdle on July 14, 2011 at 08:42PM
Yesterday on youtube I discovered a video of the looney labs people sorting strange coloured pyramids into sets, ( then I found out about the watermelon and root beer stashes, that there was only one of each of. What I want to know is what happened to those stashes, that tableful of 'mids from that video in 2007? Did they get sold? Do some of you have them?
Posted by Kristin Looney on July 11, 2011 at 04:48PM
Attention Demo Team rules layers... if you have the time in the next 2 days please check this out and help us with our final review of the rules sheet for STAR FLUXX. The cards and the packaging go to the printer today, but we are holding off on sending the rules so we can have a few more rules lawyer minded folks look closely at the new cards and the FAQ section of the rules sheet.
Attached are 3 files - DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THESE OUTSIDE THIS PRIVATE FORUM. First take a look at the SneakPeak page and read over each card carefully and imagine how it would play out in a game of Fluxx. What questions do you have? Now read the FAQ section of the rules - did we answer your questions? Feedback on the rest of the rules sheet is welcome, but it's the new FAQ section that most needs review.
If you are reading this after Wed July 13th, no more feedback is needed on the rules sheet, but you can still ooohh and ahhh over the awesome new card mechanics! And if you are participating in either of our previous launch projects, be sure you get your event reports submitted... we will have advance demo copies of STAR FLUXX in a little over a month from now!
Thanks for helping us playtest and promote our new games!
Posted by Wyatt Hensley on July 06, 2011 at 10:16PM
The name is a little fiddly, but it is more than subject to change. Here is a link to a game I put together. Just fishing out for some feedback, and also wanted to share it ;-). Let me know you thoughts.
I mention that it uses a Mega-Volcano board, but Martian Coasters or a 6x6 grid is fine. It just is nicer with a MVB, in my opinion.
Looking forward to hear back from the rest of you Iceheads!
Wyatt Hensley
Posted by Wyatt Hensley on July 06, 2011 at 01:16AM
Are we allowed to post games that will utilize the IceDice-dice? I have a few that I had worked up ideas on over the weekend and would like to see them get some attention. Also, are we allowed to use images from Looney Labs in our game designs. I find it easy to use the stock photo of stacked pyramids for an easy reference, would this be an issue?
Thanks in advance!
Posted by Kevin L. on June 12, 2011 at 12:24PM
I bought a Zombie Fluxx poster for a friend at work who is into Zombies. He asked about the game and I explained the rules. He immediately went out and bought one. Now its time for the lunch time games to get others inquiring. :)
Posted by Craig Forbes on June 10, 2011 at 02:32AM
We now have an Ning app for you to maintain your Starship Captain list.
To add the app to your profile follow these steps:
- Log into the fanclub site
- Go to "My Page"
- Click the "+ Add Apps" link in the left sidebar (under your photo).
- Click "+ Add by URL" (at the bottom of the left column, under Categories)
- Add
- Select ok in the pop-up to allow the app to be added to your profile.
At this point you can return to your profile page "My Page" and at the bottom of your profile you will see a new box at the bottom of your profile where you can edit your list.
If you have trouble please let me know either in this thread of via a private message.
Posted by Kristin Looney on May 27, 2011 at 12:50PM
Hey - who wants some more secret data?
We will be announcing the next version of Fluxx in a few weeks, so we are working on all the marketing blurbs for it right now. It isn't much advance notice - but I thought I would let you guys in on the secret even if only for a couple of weeks!
STAR FLUXX: Just when you thought that Fluxx had gone as far as it could go… it blasts off for the Stars! Explore the vastness of space-themed humor with your valiant Captain, Engineer, and, of course, your Expendable Crewman. Go check out that Small Moon – or is it really a Space Station? You may be swayed by Unseen Forces, held hostage by Evil Computers, or find your ship infested with Cute Fuzzy Aliens. Beware the unexpected as Star Fluxx takes you straight into a Wormhole of hilarity. You’ll find yourself wanting to play again and again – watch out…. It’s A Trap!
Please don't post anything about this anywhere until we make the official announcement - but now that you know, I can start sharing some of the artwork we are working on with you guys. The first being art for the Keeper: Malfunction. Which one do you like best?

Posted by Kristin Looney on April 28, 2011 at 07:55PM
Please post an EVENT REPORT about your activities playing Seven Dragons... the launch is over, and the launch kits are no longer available. Thank you to everyone who helped us with the launch of this game!
Posted by Mark Booker on April 17, 2011 at 06:57AM
Where is the central 'discussion forum' for Looney Pyramids on BGG? There is no entry for "Looney Pyramids", it's a bit scattered. Ideas?
Posted by Kristin Looney on March 24, 2011 at 03:25PM
this all started as a discussion of a variant I was calling 6 cap Volcano...
... and turned into a new game called CALDERA which we have included in the new Pocket Guide to Looney Pyramids. We need to get the rules for Caldera online soon, but I want one more round of playtesting on this first, from long time fans of Volcano.
Volcano is one of the most popular pyramid games, but uses an assortment of pyramids that is not easily purchased. Caldera is virtually the same game, but uses 6 rainbow stashes which is easy for a new pyramid fan to acquire. For these marketing reasons, we need to ask our Demo Team to switch from teaching/promoting Volcano, to teaching/promoting Caldera - so we need to be sure that Caldera really is just as much fun as Volcano.
The question: should the Power Play rule be part of the rules to Caldera, or should it be a cool variation that can be used with either Volcano or Caldera.
I can argue both sides on this... I really love the power play rule, and enjoy playing with it, although I'm concerned that it has not been tested well enough. In some ways since the game has a different name, it is good for it to be a bit more different, and adding this rule certainly does that... but if Volcano fans are going to prefer to play Volcano and not want to switch to Caldera, because Caldera is too different, then we should leave this rule out of the official rules and let Caldera be virtually the same as Volcano.
Some useful links... current rules page for Caldera - Caldera in the Pocket Guide
Volcano fans on our Demo Team: do you think the power play rule should be in the rules?
Posted by David Kramer-Smyth on March 24, 2011 at 11:47AM
When? - Saturday May 7, 2011 4:20 PM (Meet anytime after 2PM)
Where? - Popeye's Coffeeshop: Haarlemstraat 63, 1013EK Amsterdam
What? - Stoner Fluxx using the FULL rules.
Who? - So far Kristin, Andy and myself will be playing but everyone (over 18) is invited.
I will post more info as it becomes available. Hopefully with a couple of more events that will take place over that weekend.
Posted by Kristin Looney on March 23, 2011 at 05:51PM
Andy has been playing around with the rules to Zark City over the last couple of years since he first put the rules online - and now as we are building the web pages that present rules for the 13 games that are featured in the new Pocket Guide to Looney Pyramids, we are updating the rules to version 2.0 for this game.
The new version is attached for a final round of final playtesting and rules editing before they go up online... if you want to compare to the original version, the Zark City 1.0 version is found in our booklet, 3HOUSE, and also on THIS PAGE.
Please check it out and let us know what you think!
Posted by Evan Parker on March 20, 2011 at 10:28AM
I got my Ice Dice bag in this week and managed to get a few demo games in this weekend.
We played a 2, 3, and 5 player game at a local game store Friday evening (and even convinced some people to play gnostica).
Ice dice was rather well received.
Saturday I was at a friend's house for another board game gathering and I decided I wanted to experiment with making the pyramids more scarce so we played a 4 player game with 3 rainbow stashes, and later we ended up with 6 players using 5 stashes.
I found that there was a lot more interaction in the 4/3 setup than the previous night's 5 player game (where I think there were only 3 instances of taking pyramids from players) but the game did go on for a while longer. The six player game ended before stealing was really possible as well.
I was wondering if anyone else has experimented with non 1/1 player/stash ratios and how they worked out.
Posted by Kristin Looney on March 12, 2011 at 02:13AM

The very last pyramids every made with our US mold... were completely the wrong color yellow! They fluoresce beautifully in the light and are quite a lovely color - but they do not match any of the yellow pyramids we have ever sold. You can read more about the changes in our pyramid manufacturing...
- Only 150 of these Electric Yellow stashes are available, and when they are gone they are gone, never to be made again. You must be a registered starship captain to BUY THIS - each captain can only buy one copy!
- As a Starship Captain you can also take advantage of our IceDice Upgrate Kit offer - again only one per person - BUY THIS
- The last of the USA made pyramids are on blow-out sale till they are gone in our webstore - SHOP HERE
Please consider joining our Demo Team and getting involved in the conversation about promoting IceDice when it comes out this summer.
Posted by Kristin Looney on March 12, 2011 at 02:07AM
For the IceDice Upgrade kit explained on this page - here is the SECRET ORDER LINK
The next step in the re-launch of our pyramid game system has arrived - getting copies of this cool new packaging into the hands of our Demo Team so you guys can learn the games and get excited about the new bags! If you have a game store near you, please go visit them and show off your new IceDice bag and ask them to get it on pre-order with their favorite distributor. More thoughts on ways you guys can help us get stores signed up to carry IceDice will follow on this thread when I have more time...
If you know anyone who is already a fan of our pyramids, and might want to take advantage of our Pyramid Blow-Out Sale or this upgrade kit - please point them to these web pages!
Posted by David Kramer-Smyth on March 04, 2011 at 12:18AM
My son, Eli Kramer-Smyth age 8, has requested the honor of being called a Starship Captain. Although he can not join this fan club as the minimum age for is 13, he would like the official blessing to use the title even if he has to wait 5 years to make it official online. I present his list for your consideration (in order of his preference):
01. Crosswalk
02. Martian Chess
03. Volcano
04. Petal Battle
05. Icedice
06. Launchpad23
07. Martian Coasters
08. Pharaoh
09. Twin Win
10. BlackIce
Posted by Chris Wilkerson on February 23, 2011 at 12:11AM
I have found that starting new people out with playing Fluxx 3.1 or older seems to work best because you dont have the creepers and not as many new rules to throw people off. Then after a hand or 2 of that switching to one of the many other Fluxx games like pirate Fluxx.
What have the rest of you found to be a good strategy to bring new people into the wonderful world of Fluxx?
Posted by Chris Wilkerson on February 20, 2011 at 03:02AM
I remember when the first version of Stoner Fluxx came out, it was a lot of fun and now there is v2.
The Idea od drinking fluxx was tossed around but decided not to move forward with it understandably.
What are some other ideas for adult themed games that people might have?
I am thinking maybe a heavily innuendo fluxx would be fun, maybe a strip fluxx?
Posted by Brian Campbell on February 10, 2011 at 04:15PM
There was a story posted on BoardGameGeek yesterday announcing the new IceDice and Treehouse product lines. The non-disclosure policy for this forum says "Please DO NOT post or discuss anything you learn about these still secret plans outside of this private forum until the details of the launch are announced sometime in early 2011"; I'm curious about whether the announcement on BGG means we can start discussing some of these details yet.
In particular, I'd like to know if I can answer some of Nate Straight's questions, about what's on the dice in IceDice, and the re-release of monochrome stash tubes. I presume that Petri Dish is still considered secret as it wasn't part of the announcement.
Posted by Kristin Looney on February 07, 2011 at 06:29PM
Looney Labs has done various things at GenCon over the years... here are the reports from 2007, 2006, and 2005. But in 2008, along with many other things, we put GenCon on the official Stop Doing list here at Looney Labs - so we could focus our limited resources on other things. Our fans continued to run events at GenCon, and Andy went last year at the last minute, to join in on the fun that Shane Tilton and a bunch of our GenCon fans had organized... but we were not at all involved in organizing the events these guys ran.
Looney Labs will come back to GenCon at some point, but not this year. Shane has stepped down from organizing our events for 2011 - and nobody has stepped up to take his place. I'm sorry we won't be there, and that I can't add helping with this to any Looney Labs employee's to-do list... but by all means please hang out and play our games together at GenCon - and if you want to put official events on the schedule - go for it! (And a BIG thank you to Shane for organizing Looney Labs events at GenCon for the last 3 years!)
I will post a message to the old GenCon Planning email list and point everyone to this thread of this discussion forum... again, I am very sorry we can't join you guys at GenCon this year!
Posted by Kristin Looney on January 31, 2011 at 05:19PM
OMG they are perfect! New photo attached... these are the last round of pieces from the mold in China, and they are BEAUTIFUL. The colors are vibrant, they are crystal clear, the trim is clean, the size is exactly the same as the old ones, they nest together perfectly, and they are incapable of sticking together. YOWZA!
If you are a Starship Captain with some extra cash (min $10K) you might look to invest, and want to help me make sure the Monochrome Stashes and Petri Dish products come out as we are planning, please contact me about Investing in Looney Labs. If I can bring in some extra cash right now, we could make the Monochrome Stashes from the mold in China, and you guys could get your hands on some of these beautiful new pieces before June.
Posted by Kristin Looney on January 26, 2011 at 03:22AM
If you are participating in our
PIRATE FLUXX LAUNCH PROJECT please respond to this post with a few details on how you plan to promote the game and how you plan to use the SKULLDUGGERY cards that came with your Pirate Fluxx Demo Kit. This is expected to be just a preliminary plan, which will certainly change... by posting here you are declaring that your are participating in this Demo Team project.
Posted by Andrew Looney on January 25, 2011 at 05:59PM
Greetings Starship Captains! Here at last is the rules insert for IceDice! (Included on the page are the IceDice dice patterns, so you can make your own prototypes for playtesting.)
Posted by Kristin Looney on January 24, 2011 at 01:33PM
I mentioned that we are doing a new game, illustrated by Larry Elmore, and that I would share images with our Demo Team... more details about the game later - but here are some pics as promised!
DO NOT SHARE THIS LINK with anyone outside this private forum - this game is not even announced yet!
Here are the first two of seven new Larry Elmore dragons..
Posted by Andrew Looney on January 21, 2011 at 03:21PM
Greetings fellow Starship Captains!
I know you are all eager to get the rules for Petri Dish, particularly those of you who've already made prototype dice, but unfortunately I'm still trying to find time to finish working up the rulesheet.
So instead, here are the rules to another cool new game I've working on, which we've decided to include as a bonus game in the IceDice set, which makes it more urgent to test than Petri Dish.
You'll need to make another set of prototype dice for this, but you'll be able to re-use them when I finally release the rules for IceDice! (The dice images are include in the rules PDF.)
So check out the attached file and lemme know what you think!
-- Andy
Posted by Kristin Looney on January 19, 2011 at 02:56AM
Ok, so we are still trying to sort out some technical difficulties for the way we hope to make these things available... but for now, rather than continuing to not put them up yet - let's just go with links in a forum post! That will work! You need to be registered as a member of our Demo Team here at this new fan club to order these, please make sure your name here matches your name on your account in our online store.
Two kits that Demo Team members can buy...
Traitor Demo Kit - this is the demo kit we made available to stores when this game first came out, which contains a Demo Copy of the game plus 100 'The Traitor' promo postcards for Fluxx. It also contains a poster and some store specific literature. How long will it take you to find 100 people to play this game with in order to give away all of these promo cards? Be sure you check out our Tips and Strategy Guide for Are You the Traitor? and watch the sample game - the game is best with 6 and works for up to 10 players.
Pirate Fluxx Demo Kit - although the description when you go to buy this says you must be a retail store to order this, we have decided to let our early Demo Team members buy this kit as long as A) you promise to buy at least one non-demo copy of Pirate Fluxx at some point after the game comes out, and B) you have a plan to play it with 24 different people in the next 3 months so you can give out all but your own copy of the Skullduggery postcard. It can be friends at work or school, or an event at church or at your local game store - but you need to have a plan to play it with lots of different people and give away these promo cards.
We plan to add posters and more promo postcards and other stuff to this list of special stuff the Demo Team members can buy crazy cheap - but for now at least these demo kits are available!
Posted by Kristin Looney on January 13, 2011 at 02:58AM
Show of hands: Who has played Andy's pyranid game Petri Dish?
I've attached two pictures of the 5 player game we played last night... The first is the beginning of the game (2 turns in), the second shows Josh, playing Orange, as the winner.
Posted by Chris "Topher" Hickman on January 12, 2011 at 06:47AM
I'm starting to think about logistics and such for a Looney Labs game night to celebrate and correspond with the release of Pirate Fluxx.
I don't know that I'll have any help beyond the store owner (hey, any other Richmond, VA area Looney Techs out there?), so I don't know how elaborate I can get, but since I've never done anything beyond small demo games for retailers and big "sorta demo" games with friends at home game nights, I'd like to ask the other Looney Techs out there: Any advice?
Also, with the pirate theme, I thought it would be cool to bring some prizes on the pirate theme. Any ideas of pirate-y things I can get without blowing the bank to give as prizes?
And to the Looneys: Are there any promo cards I could buy to give out, like we used to give out the Star for folks who come to this party?
Posted by Kristin Looney on December 15, 2010 at 04:35PM
Please don't post or discuss online any of the things you learn in this private forum about this product - we have not announced this game publicly yet, and everything is still open to changes... but we wanted to let our biggest pyramid fans know what is going on with the pyramids!
I will post pictures and logos when I am back at my desk - but I promised you secrets - so let me offer you one. We are making IceDice in China. They are making our mold now - a family mold that makes 10 of each size at a time - we will have samples in hand before Toy Fair in February.
Hi P.F.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Have you been in touch with Alison about this issue at
I haven't. I wasn't previously aware of that address. Thanks!
You're very welcome! I can't do much at all about this but everyone at Looney Labs is committed to making sure your experience with the store is a positive one. Alison's amazing and she'll do everything she can to help.