continuing from my last post: six player musings:
Hey, think about quads that are divided diagonally while we're at it.
(same number of diagonal quads but they'd behave radically differently.
Whereas diagonal duos would at least connect two sides, diagonal quads
would be like dead ends. They'd still count as a panel, but it would
totally block off a side. Interesting.
Lets see, for 5 player AQ with all possible quads and diagonal doubles and
quads added (if we still have doubles of the full-panel "aces") we'd need a
deck of only... herm... 60 regular quads, 60 diagonal quads, 10 long
halves, 10 short halves, 20 diagonal halves, 10 full panel cards. = 170
cards. Plus action cards and goals. Maybe you'd want to increase those?
That might get awful, trading goals maybe 5 times and shuffling goals 5
times, and... whoof. Well, that would add...15 cards, plus the goal cards,
is 20 for a grand total of 190 cards in the deck.