Looney Labs Aquarius Mailing list Archive

Re: [Aquarius] less wild... and yet... even wilder.

  • From"Ryan McGuire and Kerry Breitenbach" <kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 8 Sep 2005 07:59:17 -0400
Oops, I suppose if I'm taking on the role of Mr. Math, I should correct my own mistakes before someone else does.

I shouldn't have divided by 2 for either of the calculations of Feral/Regular doubles. There are 10*5=50 Feral/Regular doubles of each orientation or just 10*3=30 if you leave out the ones that share an element (no Earth-Air/Air).


----- Original Message ----- From: <kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Aquarius] less wild... and yet... even wilder.
But if you could pair a Feral panel with a regular, such as
Earth-Air over plain Air?  That would add 10*5/2 = 25
additional halvsies of each orientation.  (...or 10*3/2 = 15
Feral/Element halvsies where the two panels don't share
an element.)

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