Looney Labs Chrononauts Mailing list Archive

RE: [Chrononauts] Java version

  • From"Ken Livingston" <undrhil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 31 Oct 2007 08:52:34 -0500
Hey.  Does this work on your computer?  It doesn't work on mine.  Also, the
help docs refer to a self-installer ... do you happen to have this file?  I
think it might be that the installer does more that just place these files
in c:\program files\chrononauts pc\ and make a shortcut, since doing that
doesn't work.  I am running the version of Java that is included in the .zip
file, by the way, and other java apps are working fine on my machine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Murphy
Subject: [Chrononauts] Java version

FYI, the Java version of Chrononauts that used to be available
at chrononautspc.com (before that site Fell Down) is once again
available at http://zenith.homelinux.net/chrononauts/ (unless
that site's link to the outside world has Fallen Down, in which
case try back later).

This was written by Michael Barbieri (barbieri.michael@xxxxxxxxx);
all I'm doing is providing hosting, with his permission.  AFAIK, it
complies with LL's official policy on software versions (and the
download site includes links to the LL and Chrononauts official pages).

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