Looney Labs Chrononauts Mailing list Archive

[Chrononauts] Disaster strikes

  • From"Brett Slocum" <slocum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 27 Mar 2008 13:36:31 -0500
My car died recently and I bought a friend's car. Old beater. After a
recent Con, I left my backpack in the trunk. It got wet, ruining my
sets of Chrononauts, Lost Identities, and EC, as well as a Munchkin
supplement and a couple of other card games. Oh, the humanity!

Luckily, some RPGs in the backpack, including one out-of-print item
that would be hard to replace, were not harmed.

Just had to whine for a sec.

Brett Slocum

See my new writing website: http://brettslocum.com/

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