Doug writes: "This kind of statement keeps coming up in this discussion, but I don't see any correlation between low energy usage and benefit to the environment. For example, if the energy comes from solar panels, there's zero effect on the environment, no matter how much energy is used." If all energy used in an isolated paper mill came from a solar panel array, sure, how much energy it used wouldn't have an impact on the environment. But only as perceived as an isolated entity. However, think of the following. Even if I own a paper mill that runs on pure solar energy, if I managed to reduce the energy budget for the production of my daily net paper production, I could sell to the grid my excess capacity, and then another paper mill, maybe one running on electricity produced by burning coal, or any other energy needy entity for that matter, could use my excess capacity. Hence, by the process of substitution, if I reduce the total amount of energy that I need to meet my production goals, I could help another fosil fuel consumming entity use my excess energy capacity, and by doing so, reduce the demand for energy coming from fosil fuels, and that, my friend, is good for the environment. ____________________________________________________________________________________ It's here! Your new message! Get new email alerts with the free Yahoo! Toolbar.