Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive

[Eco] Don't take out the trash!

  • Frombecca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • DateWed, 14 Feb 2007 14:27:11 -0500 (EST)
Here's an idea for reducing your garbage output:
Don't take out the trash until the collection day.  Store all of your
trash inside your living space.  Is it taking up too much room?  That
motivates you to throw away less stuff.  Does it stink?  That motivates
you to think about better ways to dispose of things.

I haven't lived in a place with outdoor garbage cans since 1996.  The
first effect of this was to motivate us to start a compost heap so that
the vegetable scraps (which were attracting fruitflies) were out of the
kitchen and also, incidentally, out of the landfill.  The next effect was
to change our thinking about pizza: Sure, it's fun to order some yummy
pizzas, but then you have those boxes cluttering the house until trash
day...so our pizza purchases actually decreased as our income increased,
and when we do eat pizza we usually walk over to the pizza place and eat
there, eliminating the box (we bring a container for leftovers) and the
fuel for delivery.  Over time, we've reduced our garbage in various little
ways and also become more adept at nesting and crushing things to take up
less space.

Now, in a typical week our family of three puts out half as much garbage
as the single person nextdoor.  Some weeks we decide not to bother taking
out the trash because there isn't enough to fill a kitchen-size bag.

Storing our garbage in the house has been one of our motivations to use
cloth diapers: You can wash diapers whenever you're ready, and dirty cloth
diapers do not smell ANYWHERE NEAR as bad as dirty disposable diapers!  We
have had several experiences with guests leaving a used disposable in our
trash or Nicholas accidentally running out of diapers at childcare and
being sent home in a disposable, and they REEK!!!  The mass-marketed
"solution" to this problem is to wrap the plastic diapers in yet still
more layers of plastic, thus ensuring that one's little darling's products
will be preserved for centuries.  I think cloth diapers are a much better
idea.  I just love being able to put dirty diapers into the washing
machine and come back 40 minutes later to take out clean diapers; it's
like magic! :-)

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