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Re: [Eco] Tom Vilsack's energy plan

  • FromLuisa <Luisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 23 Feb 2007 00:42:02 -0500
Wow! Can you imagine that?! Actually living by the principles of Ecological Economics?! That would be wonderful. And for the whole USA?!

Also hopeful is the Maryland Global Warming Solutions Act. Robin sent info on a Grassroots Conference Call to learn about the political strategy to pass this act.

I think some of you know that I am an alien (I am a Mexican citizen). There are many reasons why I would want to become a resident. But only one for which I would like to become a citizen, and that is, to vote. (I am sneaky though, and I vote in other ways: with my money, actions and lifestyle - and you can vote like that too!).

Anyway, this is wonderful!


--On 2/17/07 9:55 PM -0500 Rebecca Stallings <becca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I already knew that Barack Obama has a solid environmental
record. Looks like Tom Vilsack also is a good presidential
choice, environmentally speaking:

It Takes a Vilsack to Raise Our Hopes
Presidential candidate Tom Vilsack outlines bold energy and
climate plan

If Democratic presidential long-shot Tom Vilsack had his
way, the U.S. would embrace a mandatory cap-and-trade
system to slash greenhouse-gas emissions 75 percent by
2050, break its oil addiction, and create hundreds of
thousands of clean-energy jobs. This week, the former Iowa
governor became the first presidential hopeful to outline a
detailed energy policy. Just picture it: new power plants
carbon-free by 2020; fuel providers reducing carbon
emissions 1 percent a year for a decade; a
25-cent-per-gallon federal tax credit for cellulosic
ethanol production; a nigh-unto-petroleum-free
transportation system by 2040; and the Energy Department --
now "an advocate for fossil-based fuel providers" --
renamed the Department of Energy Security. Ballsy! Vilsack
even pledged to green his stumping by offsetting his travel
and office electricity use. "[O]ur nation's destiny truly
hangs in the balance," he said. While he checks "become
proficient in hyperbole" off his to-do list, feel free to

The above excerpt is from Daily Grist, a handy enviro-news
you can subscribe to for free at grist.org.
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