Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive

Re: [Eco] Re: Fridges

  • FromLuisa <Luisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 23 Feb 2007 00:25:47 -0500
Hello Chris,

This is a great idea! Do you have one of these chest fridges? If so, how do you like it? What do you keep in it? Is it practical?

As you know, I am looking to replace my fridge for something environmentally friendly. So, I wonder how one would arrange stuff inside so that you can easily get things as you are cooking. I am sure something like a jewel-box system could be constructed...

And then, how can you take advantage of that horizontal plane? I am thinking about space optimization, since I live in a really small house.

I think it is great for anyone who has the space for a chest fridge! Something like that could easily replace all those "second" refrigerators people have in the garage filled with soda, beer, ice cream, and other frozen foods that can easily be stacked and retrieved. How many of us has a second refrigerator like those? Or, do you know someone that does? Can we change to the chest fridge? Ask our friends?

Thanks for sharing, I hope there will be lots of conversions going on!

the Green Fairy

--On 2/17/07 7:40 AM +0900 madlab.rabbit.krishaven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi EcoRabbits,

I just read the new EcoFluxx Foundation update and I have a
link regarding fridges:


This is a converted chest freezer;

"My chest fridge (Vestfrost freezer turned into a fridge)
consumes about 0.1 kWh a day. It works only about 2 minutes
per hour. At all other times it is perfectly quiet and
consumes no power whatsoever. My wind/solar system
batteries and power-sensing inverter simply love it."

The reason why this is so efficient is that when you open a
normal vertical fridge, all the cold falls out.  By having
a door on the top, you lose very little cold when you open
it.  And the conversion is as simple as a third-party
thermostat that switches the freezer off at the wall at a
higher temperature than it would normally turn itself off


Chris (Krisjohn) Johnson.
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