Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive

Re: [Eco] Organic milk and meat worse for the environment?

  • From"Carrie Berman" <carrieberm@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 10 Mar 2007 17:41:01 -0500
Re:  Genetic food modification and organic food purchases: 

I think for many the issue of buying organic has more facets than just sustainability.  After all, our population on earth is growing large enough that just about every resource is incompatable with sustaining our needs.  Organic food growth is best for healthy population levels - we just don't have it.  Instead of finding ways to continue to support an unsustainable population, (ie: through genetically modifying our food) perhaps we should focus on bringing our population back to levels that can be sustained by normal food supply, water supply, resource consumption, waste production, etc. levels.  I don't buy organic milk and eggs because of sustainability, I buy them because of issues of compassion for the lives of the animals.  Farms that supply organic milk are less likely to factory-farm their cows.  The same applies to eggs from free range chickens.  Helping contribute to a world that respects life is as important as (and indeed is part of) contributing to a world that is sustainable.  After all, sustainability involves being able to live more effectively in congruence with the natural world.   Wanting to live in congruence with the natural world requires some respect for the natural world. 

There are many good reasons to be against genetically modifying food on principle.  Nature operates on a complex balance between many species. Genetically modifying plants (or animals) can have severe consequences that cause a chain reaction of devastation to an entire ecosystems.  For example, because farmers genetically modified corn in many parts of the U.S., a species that has been thriving for millenia (the Monarch Butterfly) is now a dying breed.