Thanks Alfredo! That sounds like an interesting video
article. I am going to check it out!
It is good to find examples of companies that go green and
actually increase their profit margins!
Yay for sustainability!
--On 5/22/07 11:10 AM -0700 Alfredo Nava-Tudela
<anavatudela@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There is an interesting video article on The New York
Times today about a carpet company that went green. I
recommend it. To see it, go to the NYT website and
look for the video stories featured on their front
page. The article is called "Planet Us: Born Again
The lowdown is that the CEO of this company came to
the realization, in a moment of epiphany, that he had
to do something about reducing his company's
environmental impact.
One of the facts revealed in this video that caught my
attention was in particular that the reengineering of
his company dispelled the myth that one has to choose
between profits and sustainability. It turns out that
after a series of capital investments and adaption of
new techniques, this company became the greenest
carpet manufacturer in the planet, and while doing so
it increased its profit margins. Chck it out!
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