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Re: [Eco] A green carpet?

  • FromAndy Looney <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 24 May 2007 16:23:32 -0400
I haven't watched the video yet but I'm sure it's the same dude who's interviewed in The Corporation, a documentary I definitely recommend.

--On May 24, 2007 2:24:35 PM -0400 Luisa <Luisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks Alfredo! That sounds like an interesting video article. I am going
to check it out!

It is good to find examples of companies that go green and actually
increase their profit margins!

Yay for sustainability!


--On 5/22/07 11:10 AM -0700 Alfredo Nava-Tudela <anavatudela@xxxxxxxxx>

> There is an interesting video article on The New York
> Times today about a carpet company that went green. I
> recommend it. To see it, go to the NYT website and
> look for the video stories featured on their front
> page. The article is called "Planet Us: Born Again
> Green".
> The lowdown is that the CEO of this company came to
> the realization, in a moment of epiphany, that he had
> to do something about reducing his company's
> environmental impact.
> One of the facts revealed in this video that caught my
> attention was in particular that the reengineering of
> his company dispelled the myth that one has to choose
> between profits and sustainability. It turns out that
> after a series of capital investments and adaption of
> new techniques, this company became the greenest
> carpet manufacturer in the planet, and while doing so
> it increased its profit margins. Chck it out!
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