Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

[Edu] Fluxxing in the Classroom... Again

  • From"Magi D. Shepley" <magid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 30 Sep 2005 21:26:06 -0400
I introduced two of my students to FLUXX this week. ;) They have no idea that they are practicing their reading skills, and I've already had to set time-limits on how long and how often they are allowed to play. I'm waiting for Family Fluxx so I can teach two other students how to play, because I'm afraid that I might scare one of them with some of the standard cards, and the last one is one of my lower functioning students. He's been watching, but his reading and comprehension skills just aren't there. He gets confused easily by most games.

I also want to get a copy of Nanofictionary, I think, for writing prompts. Its been a struggle getting things started this year because I wasn't teaching most of my students for quite a while, but now I have all but two of them pretty much full-time (or at least several periods a day).



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