Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

[Edu] very NANO type NANO

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 17 Nov 2006 17:50:35 -0500
I brought our NANO cards to Panera with us. I took out the purple action cards.
We went around the table. On our turn, we drew 2 cards and then made a very very short story based on our two cards. It was fun. It took Ki a while to get to only having 2 cards- heneeded 4 or 5 the first few times. The rules were few. ONLY ONE resolution allowed (had to discard and redraw if you got 2- which never happened) and it had to be a complete story. I was working on instant improv with them.
I think we will play it again with point, in school. Maybe 10 points for a complete story with 2 cards and take away points if they need to use extra cards. To help them think up all the other stuff on their own.

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