Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

[Edu] Fwd: Lesson Plans for "Looney for Learning"

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 21 Jun 2007 17:43:12 -0500
I posted this to the Origins list... and tried posting it here too - but the "event-support alias" is not on the edu-list list, so was rejected....

...so I'm sending it again.  

Again, apologies for those who will see this twice - I do want to get the most wisdom though.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carol Townsend <event-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx >
Date: Jun 21, 2007 5:26 PM
Subject: Lesson Plans for "Looney for Learning"
To: Origins Event Planning List <origins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Looney Labs Education Discussion List < edu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I apologize for the cross posting, but I would like to get wisdom from many sources.

We are doing Looney for Learning at Origins.  It will be a lot like last year:

* free flowing
* jump in when you have something to say
* introduce our games for the first hour
* toss out snippets of how they work in class
* have the 2nd hour be a "now let's learn how to play these games!" time

I'd like to have some (1-3) of our lesson plans available for teachers to pick up - and info on how to find more.

My questions are:

* Which lesson plans from here should we copy out for handouts:

* How MANY do you think we'll need?  Will we need one for each teacher, or will not every teacher take every lesson plan?  

Last year we packed the place - 50-60 teachers at one session.  I'm guessing we might have between 75-100 teachers between them both.  That's a LOT of paper to print out if we're not going to use it all, so I'm trying to get some wisdom from ya'll as to what would be best



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