Looney Labs Fanclub Mailing list Archive

[Fanclub] update #2 - Looney Labs Fan Club

  • FromThe Looneys <thelooneys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 08 Jul 2011 14:26:22 -0400
Now that we're home from Origins and settled back in, it's time to kick off an on-going newsletter aimed at keeping fans of Looney Labs current on all the latest happenings. So away we go!

• First, The Big Experiment at Origins was a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who helped us run the show, to everyone we already know whom we hung out with at the show, and to everyone we were lucky enough to meet for the first time this year. Your support and enthusiasm is appreciated! If you were at the show, please share your pictures and memories in the comments of this report...

Event Report: <http://looneylabs.ning.com/profiles/blogs/big-experiment-12-origins>

• NEW PRODUCT - We launched our new card game SEVEN DRAGONS the weekend of Origins - and it was a huge hit at the show! New reviews are showing up online every few days... if you have not gotten a copy yet - what are you waiting for?

Reviews: <http://www.looneylabs.com/LLitN/index.html>
Product Info:  <http://wunderland.com/LooneyLabs/SevenDragons/>
Demo Video: <http://looneylabs.ning.com/video/sevendragonsintro-1>
NEW Dragon Art Prints: <http://store.looneylabs.com/Web-Store/Accessories>

• DELAYED PRODUCT - If you have not heard yet, our launch of ICE DICE and Looney Pyramids was delayed due to safety testing issues. Updates will come when we know more...

Pyramid News: <http://looneylabs.ning.com/forum/topics/why-icedice-missed-street-date>

• UPCOMING PRODUCT - the next big thing from Looney Labs is going to be the best version of Fluxx yet... STAR FLUXX. It has a release date of Sept 30th, but many of you who were at Origins last week already had a chance to play it. Thanks for all the final playtesting - the game goes to the printer today!

Cover Image: <http://looneylabs.ning.com/photo/starfluxxcover-1>

Other things going on at the new Looney Lab Fan Club web site...

• The Icehouse Community Excellence Awards - the winner is: Pyrinoes designed by Andy bond

• Promo card ideas and Krazy Kard Kombinations

• Measuring the Pyramidicty, new games to playtest, and the location of Starship Captains

and so much more... come check out the public forums: <http://looneylabs.ning.com/forum>

and consider joining one or more of the private groups: <http://looneylabs.ning.com/groups>

Thanks for playing and promoting Looney Labs Games!

-Kristin Looney
and everyone here at Looney Labs

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