Hi everyone. Someone reported to me that they weren't seeing all the articles in the weekly news feed I'm publishing. They're using Yahoo to read their news feeds. I went to my Yahoo account to see the feed and saw the same problem. Is it just Yahoo? Is anyone else experiencing problems with other news readers? I'm on a Mac and I view the feeds via both Safari 2.0.1 and NetNewsWire Lite 2.0 and everything looks fine in both of those. Tonight I updated the feed with 15 items for wunderland.com: 1. What's Going On: Andrew Looney's Interactive Souvenir Sampler Packet 2. Thought Residue for 10/6/05 3. What's New: Watch Andy Play Homeworlds at SuperDuperGames... or challenge him! 4. What's New: A list of things being changed in the 3rd printing of Chrononauts 5. What's New: EcoFluxx Press Release and LL Fact Sheet 6. What's New: Fluxx Love Stories 7. What's New: Rash mad a page about California Missions 8. What's New: The Ember Update: Burning Man 2005 9. What's New: This month's Hero 10. What's New: GinohnNews: Pants 11. Project eBay: Andrew Looney's Interactive Souvenir Sampler Packet 12. Testimonial of the week 10/6/05 13. Cool Words: sartorial 14. Haiku Movie Reviews: Serenity 15. Tirade's Choice: DefCon America 1. A list of things being changed in the 3rd printing of Chrononauts 2. EcoFluxx Press Release and LL Fact Sheet I'm using Feeder 1.2 (http://www.reinventedsoftware.com/) to publish the feed, which supports RSS 2.0. =