Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] RSS News Feeds Live for looneylabs.com and wunderland.com

  • FromRobin <empl13@xxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 10 Sep 2005 14:05:23 -0400
I set up a RSS News Feed for the wunderland.com and looneylabs.com web sites. If you go to both sites you'll see a small graphic that says "RSS" which is a link to the xml feed.

I plan to update and publish new articles to the feeds once a week, on the weekend (since the sites are updated weekly on Thurs. nights).

To read an RSS News Feed you'll need a news reader. For Mac users, if you've upgraded to 10.4 (Tiger) you can use Safari to view a feed. Once you launch your news reader, you can subscribe to these:

More Info:
RSS Readers

Wikipedia - RSS

RSS: Your Gateway To News & Blog Content

If anyone has any questions or feedback please let me know. I'd love to hear what you think of the articles and how I can make them better.


Robin Vinopal
EMPL13@xxxxxxx (Looney Labs Employee #13)