Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] New Game - Sprawl

  • FromAaron Dalton <aaron@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 10 Oct 2005 17:51:05 -0600
I am super duper excited to announce the addition of a new game to the SDG family. It is another Icehouse/Invisible-City game called Sprawl. It is a game for 3-8 players in the which you try get as many of your own pieces as possible safely into play while inhibiting your opponents from doing the same. Like Branches, Twigs, and Thorns, it is not designed for early withdrawl, so resignations will prematurely terminate the game. I have tested the game as much as possible, but things could conceivable still go wrong with 5+ players. Please let me know if something does indeed happen. I look forward to playing!

Good Gaming!

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