Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] n00b: paper pyramids--heft and stackability?

  • From"Ryan McGuire and Kerry Breitenbach" <kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 9 Dec 2005 18:35:37 -0500
No, the paper foldable paper "origami" pieces available from Looney Labs are not stackable as designed. You COULD cut a square hole in the bottom of each, leaving a border of about 1/16" for some strength, to make them so. To add heft to them, some people fill them with sand, aquaium gravel or something similar. However, I can't think of a good way to make them heavy AND stackable at the same time.

There are the recently-redesigned origami pieces. Here are links to the Word and Acrobat versions of a document describing the folding steps and giving cut-out folding diagrams sized just right for a large, a medium and a small: http://home.att.net/~ryanmcguire/OrigamiIcehouse/Creases.doc (by... well... me.) http://firedrake.org/roger/archive/Creases.pdf (converted by Roger Burton West.)

Just photocopy the second page onto 20 sheets of verious colored papers, and start folding. I've set myself a goal of folding two pages of pyramids a day. In ten days I'll have a whole set. (Heck, in six days I'll have enough for Binary Homeworlds.) If you use regular printer/photocopier paper, the finished pyramids stack with pretty much the same reveal as the real plastic ones. They're close enough to the real ones to play Zendo or Volcano, but they probably have too much friction to play a real-time stacking game like Icetowers. And they're too "puffy" to play Icehouse.

Re: Number of stashes.
Short answer: 4 (some, such as Homeworlds and RAMbots, specifically "require" blue, green, yellow and red.)

Look at this page from Icehouse.org, the fan-run wiki website for all things Icehouse:
I would qualify Icetowers, Zendo, and Volcano as the "Most Popular" games. They require 1 stash per person, 4 stashes, and 5 1/3 stashes (five whole stashes plus five smalls of another color) respectively. But look through that page and the games it mentions, you might find something you like.

Also, you can look through the Sortable List of Icehouse's Cool Kindred (SLICK) for how many stashes games take:
It also doesn't list each game's popularity.  But so what?

If you're looking for single-stash games, I'd start with IceSickle:

I hope this helps.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Crane" <craniac@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Icehouse] n00b: paper pyramids--heft and stackability?

Are the paper pyramids stackable?  And has anyone found a way to add
heft while retaining stackability?

How many pyramids do I need to be able to play the bulk of the most
popular games?

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