I'm trying to finalize, at least for myself, the way I'm going to run the Martian Hold'em tournament at Origins. 1. Most Hold'em tournaments use a timer to dertermine when to advance the blinds. The rules for Martian Hold'em have the blinds advance based on the number of hands. Right now I plan to use the number of hands to advance blinds and just ignore any discrepancy between tables when consolidating players. Sound reasonable? 2. In most Hold'em games, tables start with ten players each. I've found from my online experience that that means any one player gets a playable hand once every three or four hands at the most and a winning hand once every ten on average. I find this boring and try to play at tables with four to eight players total. What do you all think? Is the ten player table so sacrosanct that anything else would be unthinkable? ...or would the higher level of action seen at four- to eight-player tables be desirable? One last thing to consider on this point is that the tables at Origins would be quite crowded indeed with te players. 3. Do you plan on playing? Ryan