Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive
[Icehouse] Meta-Zendo
- From"Guy Srinivasan" <srinivgp@xxxxxxxxx>
- DateMon, 13 Nov 2006 15:55:19 -0800
Meta-Zendo is Zendo where the koans are Zendo rules. Has anyone ever actually played it? For Zendo, there are several
basic components that make up most rules: "color", "touching",
"upright", "pip count", etc. I've been trying to come up with the
common basic components of Meta-Zendo and it's not as easy as it looks.
One basic component would be "Accepts Set": all rules which accept all koans accepted by a given rule are accepted. Another would be "Ignores Property": all rules which accept koans independent of a given property are accepted. What would some others be? Has anyone played enough to know?