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Re: [Icehouse] Meta-Zendo

  • From"Jake Eakle" <jseakle@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 13 Nov 2006 21:34:00 -0500
I have played it; several games of it have been played at superdupergames.org recently. If you're interested, sign up and play with us! It's quite fun actually play.

As for components, some might be:

Marks {koan set} {color} - this is how the first game of meta-zendo I played went: the rule was "AKHTBN iff it would mark the koan 'zendo' as white." (We were playing text zendo) This could easily be extended to include multiple literal koans, though if you extend it to the set of koans with certain properties, it starts to look like your "Accepts Set".

Cares about X properties - Cares about only one property, cares only about relational properties between pieces, cares about intrinsic properties of pieces, cares about one property of the entire koan and one property of a koan within it, etc.

Has a {property} HAS set - has a finite HAS set, has four koans in its HAS set.

Has {linguistic property} - this one is very iffy, and should perhaps be banned in the rules of meta-zendo. The question is whether the phrasing of the rule-koans matters, or only their content. Probably the intent of the game is better preserved if only their content matters.

That's all I got for right now, but I'm sure there's more. I'm quite fascinated by this topic.


On 11/13/06, Guy Srinivasan < srinivgp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Meta-Zendo is Zendo where the koans are Zendo rules. Has anyone ever actually played it? For Zendo, there are several basic components that make up most rules: "color", "touching", "upright", "pip count", etc. I've been trying to come up with the common basic components of Meta-Zendo and it's not as easy as it looks.

One basic component would be "Accepts Set": all rules which accept all koans accepted by a given rule are accepted. Another would be "Ignores Property": all rules which accept koans independent of a given property are accepted. What would some others be? Has anyone played enough to know?

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