Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Re: Zendo Stones

  • From"Jeff Wolfe" <jwolfe@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 27 Feb 2007 19:51:51 -0500
> What's the best way to get small black and white stones for marking Koans?
Wy wife got some glass "stones" from Williamsburg Pottery, but they are
twice the size I'd want them, and they aren't opaque. I'd like some like the
ones in the boxed Zendo. And I've eaten all my Christmas M&Ms (green for
true, red for false, works well, but they only sell those at Christmastime)

I use Chessex stones (http://www.chessex.com -- the stones are under
"Accessories").  I can get them at my local gaming store for $2.39 for a
tube of about 25.stones (same as the price online).  I've heard that the
stones at craft stores are cheaper, but I've never managed to verify it.

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